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Chandra A.
on 6/16/10 1:09 pm - Nashville, TN
I know it's been a super long time since I've been on.  Man how I wish I were smart enough to change the avatar pictures.  However, I celebrated my 2 year "new" birthday last month.  I have reached my goal of 155 lbs and in a size 10.  Which means... (drum roll)... I've lost 222 lbs and went from a size 32 to a 10.  Wow!!!  Sometimes I can't even wrap my head around it.  I can't say enough about Centennial and Dr. Hottie Houston LOL  And of course, thank you to all the folks on here that got me to it, through it and past it.  I hope everyone is doing well!

So, I would like to know if you all have any advice about plastic surgery.  My insurance will only cover a tummy tuck IF you have concurrent infections for 6 months that are untreatable with antibiotics... really?!  I've had people suggest medical loans but I can assure you I wouldn't be approved on my credit and even if I were the cost would be so big that I couldn't pay it back.  I'm pretty sure I know the answer but... any suggestions?  I've been super blessed with the loose skin in it's not as bad as it could have been considering how much I lost and how fast.  Most can't tell with clothes on that I even have that problem.  I get asked all the time if I even have any.  Then I just raise my arms and flap my wings.  I hope someone has some ideas or suggestions!

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!
Pam Davis
on 6/16/10 9:05 pm - Franklin, TN
C ongratulations on reaching your goal weight!
Pam Davis, Certified Bariatric Nurse, Bariatric Program Director
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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on 6/17/10 5:24 pm - Madison, TN
Hi, Chandra!  It is good to see you.  I think of you from time to time, as I do others on the board who haven't been here in awhile. BUT, realize that they are out living LIFE instead of living on the computer!  lol

I remember when you first joined us here on the OH board...  and watched you mature in your weight loss journey.  Congratulations on celebrating your 2 yr REbirth!

As for plastics, Dr. Lois Wagstrom seems to have the best work that I've seen and also wonderful reviews.  You should at least go see what she has to say, and I'm sure she will offer suggestions on how your insurance might pay, and also submit pictures for you.  Susan and Beth, and others who have gone to her can speak more to that...  she also does accept insurance.

Hope you aren't a stranger around these parts!  Come back and visit, take care, my friend!


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