One year ago today...

on 6/8/10 2:18 am
I was 63 lbs heavier, had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. Here it is a year later and I have none of those things and have loved living life again. No it isn't all pretty boxes and bows. I have struggled along the way and do daily with eating the right foods probably why I am not at my goal weight yet I fail a lot and I feel a little like I failed myself, but I am so much happier and healthier then I have been in years.

As much as I struggle it's the best decision I have ever made. I would do it 100 times over.

Just wanted to share my joy.



Pam Davis
on 6/8/10 8:52 pm - Franklin, TN
Sher, congratulations on your surgiversary! Congratulations on your weight loss! Please don't ever feel like you've failed, you've lost 63 pounds and that is a monumental achievement. Remember what you need to do and keep working toward that goal. Which support group are you going too?
Pam Davis, Certified Bariatric Nurse, Bariatric Program Director
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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on 6/9/10 7:01 am - Antioch, TN

I am proud of you, Diva!
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