Update... almost 3 years post-op

on 5/24/10 11:58 am - Johnson City, TN
Wow... its been such a long time since I have had a chance to get on OH and check on everyone.  I've noticed a few of the older post-op are MIA.  However, I totally understand.  Life is busy and we only have one chance. No RE-DO.  Anyhow... I've been doing well... Lots going on personally with school, work, and the kiddo.  Today my 5th grader graduated elementary school *sniff sniff*.  As I sat there I kept thinking of how much my life has changed over the last 5 years and I realized that on July 26 I will be 3 YEARS post-op.  INCREDIBLE is the only word I can think of that describes my life now compared to 5 yrs ago.  Of course I have slacked off from running as much as I used to and from relying on protein drinks and bars as my major source of protein.  Ive also gotten into the habit of "grazing" AND visiting TOO many fast food restaurants, AND I have been battling the "smoking demon", BUT all of that is going to change.  I remember how I used to view my body size... I remember how terrible I used to feel - DAILY... I remember the activities that I was unable to do because of my size and I NEVER want to go back to those days.  So... Im getting back on track.  I still endulge on the "sweet goodness" of the CRAP I used to eat constantly and my old... terrible... toublesome bad habits are coming around again.  I'm the one who has control so I am stopping them NOW.  BEFORE it's too late.  I have maintained a weight between 130-140 for over a year now.  I still can't eat as much as I used to, but I am eating things that arent exactly pouch friendly .  I need to get my focus back before I begin gaining weight. Its so true that WLS is only a tool.  I need to go back to the basics and begin using my tool the way it is supposed to be used.  I'm wondering if I have stretched my pouch a bit.  I have noticed that I can eat larger amounts than I have been able to in the past, but I'm not going to worry about it because I am hell-bent to get motivated again.  I gotta get back on track with my liquid protein, my running and exercise DAILY, MORE water, healthier food choices, resorting to fast food as a last ditch option, STOPPING SMOKING AGAIN, and I think I would like to go to my first ever support group meeting.  I think it might help.  Anyway... sorry for such a long update, but it has been such a LONG time.  I've missed my fellow WLS warriors!!!!
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