GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

on 3/18/10 9:23 am
I'VE BEEN APPROVED FOR SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The downside? It's ONLY for the surgeries BCBSTN covers which is Lap-Band and Gastric Bypass. But who knows? Maybe I'll meet with Dr. Houston and he'll tell me the bypass is the way to go. Idk. But I'm still pushing for the sleeve so I've gotta make a "MY pros and cons" list of each surgery to take with me to the consultation. I am SO EXCITED. The fire in me has finally been restored! I feel like this is really going to happen again. I feel like I felt when I FIRST decided to look in to this. It's a wonderful feeling! It's feeling like you can conquer anything, like NOTHING can stop you now! - like everything will soon be under control!

I love it. And April 13th can't come soon enough!!!

I am 20 years old.
I'm 5'8" tall.
My highest weight was 444lbs. 
I weighed 409 lbs on the day of surgery.
I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed on June 1st, 2010.
168 lbs lost since surgery, nine months ago.
***Ticker reflects weight loss since heaviest weight***
on 3/18/10 9:34 am
Yes, that is great news.  I also had BCBSTN and the DS was covered by my policy.  Of course, you have to do what is best for you based on your personality, co-morbids,and other factors.  I just wanted to let you know that you might want to check with BCBSTN to see if more than those two are covered.  The policies do vary depending on employers' preferences for what they want to cover for their employees.

Congratulations on your approval and choice of Dr. Houston.  He is a wonderful surgeon.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 3/18/10 9:47 am
Hmm. Well, a case manager from BCBSTN contacted me and was going over the basics of Bariatric surgery and she asked what surgery I was considering and I said Sleeve or Bypass and she told me that I'm only approved for the band or the bypass. So I'm assuming that our policy doesn't cover the DS but I've never really flat out asked. Can't hurt to ask, right?  

And like I said, who knows what Dr. Houston is gonna tell me. He might tell me something that flips my entire world upside down. Idk.  But I can assure you that I am VERY excited to talk to him and see what he thinks. After-all, he IS the surgeon.

I am 20 years old.
I'm 5'8" tall.
My highest weight was 444lbs. 
I weighed 409 lbs on the day of surgery.
I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed on June 1st, 2010.
168 lbs lost since surgery, nine months ago.
***Ticker reflects weight loss since heaviest weight***
on 3/21/10 4:01 am - Hermitage, TN
I hope this does not come off the wrong way - but it is your body.   If the sleeve is what you want but your insurance does not cover it then I would want to get the surgery closest to the sleeve and that would be the DS.   I would call your insurance company and ask for a copy of you policy to see what it will and will not cover.   Also if you decide that you do what the DS - please know why you want the DS when you go see Dr. Houston.   He will not just do the DS on everyone - you have to give him the reasons why you want the DS.  If you believe the RNY is the route for you then I encourage you to go that route.   There is no 'right'  choice - the choice has to be what you believe you can live with and ultimately only YOU can make that choice.   For me I knew it was the DS - if Dr. Houston would not have done the DS I would have gone elsewhere.  

You will love Dr. Houston he is great and i could not image my journey without him in my corner - Please keep us updated on your progress.


Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)

on 3/21/10 8:28 am
The sleeve is what I think is best for me, but my insurance doesn't cover that. But even if I did want the DS, my insurance doesn't cover that either. My policy only covers Lap-Band and RNY. It's official, I've checked. :( But I was reading a post on another forum somewhere and a woman said, "every time I speak I tell people that no matter what surgery you choose, to remember that they all work.  How well they work and how long they work is the sole responsibility of the patient!" And she's soooo right! Anyway, like I said, the surgery decision is still up in the air. I want to talk to Dr. Houston. :) And I'll definitely let everyone know how it goes! Thanks.

I am 20 years old.
I'm 5'8" tall.
My highest weight was 444lbs. 
I weighed 409 lbs on the day of surgery.
I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed on June 1st, 2010.
168 lbs lost since surgery, nine months ago.
***Ticker reflects weight loss since heaviest weight***
Cheryl P.
on 3/20/10 2:08 am - Antioch, TN
That is awesome..........I am in the same boat as far as Insurance, I to was considering other procedures, but my insurance will only cover the band and bypass. Me and my doctor discussed everything in great detail and together we decided on the bypass. I had the LapBand back in Aug'07 and had success with it, I lost over 100lbs, but after about a year and a half I started having complications, where I would have to be completly deflated and increase very slowly. Also, during this time I lost my insurance. I finally got back on insurance, but had to switch doctors because my current doctor did not accept my new insurance. I hated to leave, but I didn't have a choice in the matter. I continued to have complications and finally this past Oct I had to have the band removed by emergency surgery. So now that is behind me and I have healed from all of that and am re-focused on me and my health. On March 15th I meet with the surgeon, insurance folks at Vandy and I am ready to start my journey over. Unfortunatly (sp) I have to do the 6 month of doctors visit to record my weight and other things that the insurance wants before they approve me. So I have started that I have my first PCP appt. on Tuesday and then once a month for six months. It sound's like a long time, but time goes by so fast now days, it will be over before I know, I It looks like that I will be starting at about the same weight as you, depending on how much I can loose in the next 6 months. I wish you the best of luck and I have heard nothing but good from Centennial and the doctors there, so you will be in good hands.




on 3/21/10 8:31 am
Thank you so much! I look forward to following your journey and wish you well on your revision!

I am 20 years old.
I'm 5'8" tall.
My highest weight was 444lbs. 
I weighed 409 lbs on the day of surgery.
I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed on June 1st, 2010.
168 lbs lost since surgery, nine months ago.
***Ticker reflects weight loss since heaviest weight***
on 3/20/10 8:55 am - Savannah, TN
Congratulations bekkiamberthmarie,

I have also been approved for surgery Mine is April 29th my visit with Dr williams is going to be on my Birthday April 19th am so ready for April 29th to get here seems like it is going to take forever..
Cheryl P.
on 3/21/10 2:11 am - Antioch, TN
So is this going to be the 1st time that you will meet Dr. Williams? He is great and he will take the time to explain everything in great detail. Which surgery are you having? I wish you the best on your journey and trust me it won't take for every, the days will just fly by. Keep me posted on your progress.




on 3/21/10 7:00 am, edited 3/21/10 7:01 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Congratz to all the surgeries com'n up, I am so proud of ya'll & your new Journey's, as they are life changing, but well worth it. There are many pros & Cons, but you must weight what is best for you. Only you know what that is, just as I knew what was best for mine. There were yrs. back when these options were not available, now we do have second chances, and that is something that no one can take from you regardless of the type of surgery you decided upon.  It all takes work, and it's not a cake walk by any means. but that is why the support is here and in our groups. Congrats again, let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. Hugz Barb
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