Things moving right along

Cheryl P.
on 3/20/10 2:21 am - Antioch, TN
Yep, things are happening. I met with Dr. Williams @ Vandy this past Monday. We talked about all my options in great detail. There are some test that he wants done during my 6 month period and the 1st one EGD and it will be on April 1st. I have made my first PCP visit for next week. I go to the education class next week. I have sent my info in to pre-cert for my psch eval. So things are going well. I wanted to start this as soon as I possible did'nt want to wait until a month or so before my final 6 month PCP visit and rush around to get things done. I have started a notebook, to put all the papers in and keeping a journal of things that are happening, who I talked to, when I talked to them, their name and why I talked to them and the outcome of the conversation. Everything that I am faxing I am keeping a hard copy of it also. I kinda sorta done this last time, but not as detial as I am now. I feel like I am totally re-focused and ready to fly through these next 6 months and

Cleaning out pantry, frig, cabinets this weekend and going to the store next week to restocke on good, healthy, low-carb,low/no sugar, high protien items back in the house.

So my last PCP will be the lst of August, so after that they will send everything in for approval, not sure how long that might take with Healthsprings. Hopeing to have surgery maybe Septemeber or October. This will be a great BD gift for me since it ts in November.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Happy 1st Day of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




on 3/21/10 6:43 am - Goodlettsville, TN
I know hon, you can do this! It's gonna be fine! Take a breathe a one step at a time. Just as several of us before ya have done, haven't we ya'll.  Sometimes it takes us gett'n refocused and turned back around in the right direction. But always remember we are here for ya!
on 3/21/10 10:40 am
Hoping & praying things go well for you, sweets.  Wait, I'm calling you sweet not encouraging you to eat sweets.  LOL  You deserve a break in the health arena we'll swings critters, look for 4 leaf clovers, whatever it takes to get it for you.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

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