Catheters and Intubation

on 2/10/10 8:20 am - Hendersonville, TN

O.k. I'm at least a month away from surgery and looking forward to it overall considering all the research I have done on and off-line. However... I have NEVER had surgery before and I am beginning to read posts on the website regarding catheters and intubation. Of all the things that could freak me out about this process, those two are agitating me. I mean... I'm still going through with this... but some insight sure would help to relax me on these items! So answer me this, please:

1) Are you awake when they put the catheter in and take it out? How much pain/uncomfortableness should I expect? Eeeek!

2) Are you awake when they intubate you and later remove the tube? How much pain/uncomfortableness should I expect? Yikes!

I figure the IV isn't going to be a joy ride, either, but I have given blood and been stuck with really big needles before. Plus, my veins in the top of my hands are easily found... arms too, usually. So I can get beyond that...

Please give me your knowledge on the catheters and the intubation, though...

 Height 5'9" Highest BMI - 45.3 Current BMI - 24.2
03/27/10 - 307 (pre-surgery),    03/30/10 - 303 (surgery),    Now - 164    
on 2/10/10 9:32 am - Hermitage, TN
Hey Sniffles - I went to CMC and not vandy but I would think it should not vary much between the two.   I was out when they inserted the catheter and the tube.  I was still asleep when they removed the tube but I had the catheter removed a couple days later and while it did not feel nice - it really did not hurt either.   I also had the pleasure of having a drainage tube which was removed at my 1 week post op visit and that again did not hurt just felt weird sliding out.    About the IV - I had one in my hand that gave me some happy juice and then they inserted something in my other arm and then my IV in my neck.   None were that bad - so i would not stress out about these things.  

You are really going to love your sleeve - I think that my sleeve really helped me loose all of my weight. 


Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)

(deactivated member)
on 2/10/10 2:32 pm - Sevierville, TN
My surgeon's team put me out before the catheter and the tube. I still had the catheter for a few more hours but I asked them to remove it when I was ready to do some walking. I was up that evening. The only reason they would leave you intubated after surgery is if you have serious breathing issues already or if some develop during surgery. I do know for some people who are SMO, they sometimes leave the tube in and place the patient in ICU after surgery for a day or so. You should ask your surgeon's office about their procedures.

Truly Trina
on 2/10/10 6:38 pm - Nashville, TN

The catheter is normally done in the operating room when you're under anesthesia, which is cool cause you have no knowledge of this being done.  I know this sounds loathsome but you won't have to worry about getting up to go to the bathroom right after surgery.  This tube might stay in a day or two depending on how well you are able to move around.

The tubes you have will depend upon the preference of your surgeon and the overall condition of your physical health.

I feel the same way.  I don't like surprises.  I like knowing going in what to expect.  Check with your surgeon to inquire which tubes you'll have.  That may help ease the dreaded tube anxiety. 

It won't be long now...  Hope this helps..

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 2/11/10 1:05 am - Hendersonville, TN

Thank you for your responses to this inquiry. I will ask the surgeon about these things when we have our pre-surgery appointment down the road. If I am under anesthesia when they put these things in, I'll feel much better about it...

FYI - All of my pre-requisites are complete and the nurse at Vandy gave me medical clearance two days ago for the surgery. Now the insurance specialist at Vandy will submit the paperwork for approval to BCBS FED VIP/BCBS TN... hopefully by the end of the week. I should have an answer soon!

 Height 5'9" Highest BMI - 45.3 Current BMI - 24.2
03/27/10 - 307 (pre-surgery),    03/30/10 - 303 (surgery),    Now - 164    
Michael S.
on 2/11/10 9:47 am
The whole cathater thing was prob the number 1 worry for me as a guy.

I looked up videos online and read everything about them, once I was told that I would also have one for surgery.  I saw one video where the guy was screaming and crying when it was being inserted!

I did find out though that these things are usually always put in after you are asleep.  That's what happened with me.

However, they remove mine the day after and that did not hurt in a sense that a headache hurts or something else hurts, but LOTS of stinging for a little while especially when going to the bathroom.

They threated to put it back in when they saw that I was not making enogh urine.  I told them that they were NOT going to put it back in and to call my doctor.  Well they called him and he said to load me with fluids and check back in several hours.  Once that occured, I was fine and my bladder was working fine again.  Just do what they tell you and you will be fine.

They do these things for a reason, but in my case I felt that they were being a little premature as just getting in the extra fluids worked for me.

Good luck.

on 2/12/10 4:51 am - Hendersonville, TN

What a relief to know that they at least wait until you are out before they put it in! Yay! Thank you for sharing your experience. I will also be putting my foot down if they suggest reinsertion. They will have to chase me through the halls!!!

 Height 5'9" Highest BMI - 45.3 Current BMI - 24.2
03/27/10 - 307 (pre-surgery),    03/30/10 - 303 (surgery),    Now - 164    
Former Elizabeth
on 2/13/10 8:13 am
It's not something you'd probably have to worry about - reinsertion.   It's not something they want to do for fun, anyway.  If someone is having issues, then sometimes the catheter helps.   I've had catheters and I've put in a zillion of them - it's really not a big deal.  

And it's put in so the patient doesn't mess up the operation, since with general anesthesia, there's no control of any of those functions.   But after the surgery, sometimes it's nice to have a catheter so you don't have to worry about pressure in your bladder making you be in a hurry to get up out of bed.  It does make it a bit harder to get around though, so once you're up and around, it's convenient to get rid of it as soon as possible.    The longer it's in, the more it will irritate the urethra.

Good luck with your surgery!   I hope you have a lot of success!


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

Former Elizabeth
on 2/13/10 8:17 am
The guy in the video who was screaming and crying must have had "issues."   I've put in zillions of urinary catheters and never hurt anybody.  It's a bit more a deal for guys than for women because of the longer urethra, but it's certainly easy to do.


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

on 3/1/10 6:01 am - Powell, TN
I had my DS at Parkwest in Knoxville. I was out when they intubated me and put the catheter in. I came out of recovery and I was told they sat me in a chair and I had a lucid conversation and they walked me to the nurses station and back. After that walk they came and removed my catheter. I don't remember any of the above at all. My daughter asked how I felt after they removed the catheter. My response "I feel as good as the snowman in the wizard of oz" . They must have given me top shelf feel good juice. I had my JP drain removed 2nd day post op, felt weird coming across my innards from the left side to the right. Didn't hurt just a weird feeling. Hope you get the good stuff like I did.
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