1 Year Anniversery

on 2/7/10 9:50 pm - Arlington, TN
Went to Dr. and all is well.  Slight Vitiman D deficiency and am correcting it with vitaman D supplements.  Otherwise, everything else is good.  I have lost 121 pounds and that is 76% of my excess body weight according to the Dr.  I have gone from almost 300  pounds to 169-173 according to what day of the week it is.

I am having trouble deciding where to stop.  I am losing the same three pounds over and over again for the last month.  My pouch is healed and I find I can eat just about anything, although there are still things that I would NEVER try again.  This is not because I think I can't, but because I know what I would do with it if I did. 

My issues are........I have not been this small.  (Size 12 or 10 depending on what outfit) and I don't know where I really need to be.  The Dr, and Nut will not say, only are you happy with where you are, and that I am within 2 pounds of where they thoght I should be.  I have no idea where I should be.  They say don't look at that "charts" they do not take into account for "hanging skin" ect. I am working out at least 5 times a week at the gym. 

I am really confused right now.  I don't want to get to skinny, but what is to skinny?   Some of my friendsare saying STOP!  but I don't feel like I am a success yet.  I am just not losing anymore.  IS my body trying to tell me ENOUGH?  I would really like to get off 10 more pounds to be around 159 or 60.  It is NOT coming off.  I have lost and gained the same 3 pounds for the last 3 months.  I feel great, but still not satisfied that I am where I need to be. 

If I "look" at the wrong foods...even a little...I gain a pound or two....a day or two without "cheating with some extra carbs" and It comes back off, but not past where I was before. 

I am going on the LPT today for 3 days to see if I can kick start myself again.  I don't have very good luck with it, by the end of day 1 I am usually "STARVING".  BUt....I am goint to do it this time.  Maybe if I DECARB. that will be the answer......Any suggestions and alot of SUPPORT would be appreciated! 

By the way...I posted a couple of new photos so you can see where I was and where I am now. 

HELP.........Feel like I'm sliding....but haven't gone over the edge yet!  LOL
HW/297 SW/265 CW/206 GW/165  Lowest Weight 171 (12-09)

on 2/8/10 1:54 am - callaway, VA

this is soo scary. i might as well have typed most of your post myself!!!!!! i go to the doc on thurs, but everything else is the same, dont know where to stop, but feel like i should lose more.. i think 155 is what i am looking at as a good goal, i am 166-170 also depending on the day.  I have ALSO struggled with the same 3 pounds for MONTHS... and you described my eating to a T.....

This must happen to some people as a "norm"  , i think/hope.. Our current story is exactly the same... What ARE we to do???


border.gif picture by malkuth1026
on 2/9/10 1:18 am
Cathy - congrats on your surgiversary! I hope you found an excellent way to celebrate.

And I think you will know when your body feels like it's time to stop. I have been within 5 pounds of the same weight for the past 3 months now. Although it's not where I originally set my goal, it's where my body seems to be the most comfortable. I would really have to starve to get any lower, and I just don't want to put my mind or body through that. I think a size 10 is great, and that's where I plan to be happy!

Truly Trina
on 2/9/10 10:26 pm - Nashville, TN

Hi Cathy,

You have had remarkable success with your surgery.  A big congratulations to you.  You deserve to feel very proud.  Your pictures look amazing. 

This is a lifetime project and if you maintain your level of physical activity and make great choices from your nutritionists food guide lines, you will do just as well long term.

It's great that you are exercising at the gym, wow 5 days a week is fantastic.  Maybe you could use a couple of those days for weight training to build muscle.  Muscle burns more calories than anything else and could possibly change that set point in your metabolism.

Sometimes a short-term drop in calories can be helpful.  Dropping 250 calories a day for a few weeks can help, as long as you are keeping your protein levels up.  If you are having feelings of "starving" frequently, maybe evaluating your current protein consumption level would be worth a shot.  Always talk to your WLS team to make sure this would be within their guidelines for you.

We all struggle with body image issues.  I really like how you stated "what is too skinny?"  Great question... Sounds like a cool new thread topic... 

Cathy, you have done great and it is good to see you post....

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 2/13/10 8:18 pm - Antioch, TN

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. You have done an amazing job.

I know how hard it is to stop losing the weight. I just had to have some fluid taken out of my band so I could stop. I was pushing it knowing I was to tight but I wanted to keep losing and I almost ended up in the hospital. I was having chills, fever and nausea and my white blood count was 26. We did not know what it was so I had ever test know to man and then they finally decided it was the band and they were afraid it had eroded. Thankfully it had not and all they had to do was take some fluid out and amazingly I am fine now.

I was actually going from one extreme of being obese to being to skinny but I could not seem to stop, I was obsessed with the number on the scales going down. It is hard to know what is to skinny. Just listen to your body it will tell you when it gets to a weight it is comfortable with.


on 3/9/10 11:18 pm, edited 3/9/10 11:32 pm

Hi Cathy! Congrats on your success...you are doing so great.....and THANK YOU for that post...I also feel like I could have typed that exact post myself...I am going through the same exact things that you are...my one year surgiversary will be St. Paddy's Day, March 17th...I have lost about 130 pounds (90% of my excess body weight), but still keep struggling with the same 3-5 pound weight loss & gain...everyone tells me that I need to stop losing, although I would like to be from 150-160 instead of 160-170 (I am 5'9", so I am in a size 8 or 9 right now).....I work out really hard at least 5 days a week (burning no less than 700 calories each workout...), but I still feel confused because I want to lose 10 more pounds & I am terrified that I will gain the weight back everytime my weight fluctuates. 

By the way...what is LPT? For some reason that acronym isn't coming to me?

I see that you posted this back in February, so let me know how things are going for you....xo, Micheala.



Preop Weight 293/SW 289/CW 202.3/GW 165/LW158

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