Not Feeling It

on 2/1/10 10:52 pm - Nashville, TN

I can tell you my surgery is an amazing tool that has allowed me to improve my life immeasurably in the last 18 months.  But...

I am in such an emotionally bad place and so frustrated recently I am thinking of postponing my appointment with Dr. Spaw next week.  I have had some other set backs and it has really left me with a why bother attitude when it comes to all of this.  It's dangerous and has caused me to gain weight for the first time since surgery (10 pounds) and I have become lackadaisical about my supplements and protein.

I don't want to face him and have almost no progress over the last six months and admit my labs are probably going to be a mess.  But maybe this will be just the kick in the butt I need to get back on track.

I just really feel like I shouldn't have this attitude at this stage. 

Lap RNY - August 12, 2008 - 365/340/193/175
Susan J.
on 2/2/10 12:31 am - Madison, TN

First of NOT postpone your appointment. Dr. Spaw will be very supportive of your struggles and whatever is going on and if you think your labs are going to be bad, you really need to keep your appointment.

I am so sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Are you coming to the meeting tonight? It may be just what you need...especially if you don't feel like coming.

We are here to support you through the bad times as well as the good times. We don't need to know any more than what you want to share but we are also willing to listen if you need someone to talk to.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 2/2/10 4:24 am - Madison, TN
I dont know what all you are going through, but I must agree with Susan.  You need to go to your appointment.  There have been LOTS of times in the past 3 yrs where I did not WANT to do much of anything.  I have continued to struggle with depression for 2 yrs, and right now fighting my insurance to try to get them to cover a name brand medicaiton cause 3 generics have not worked...  anyway, the point is, I have felt like you do.  Why even bother?  I don't WANT to take my vitamins.  I don't WANT to take my supplements.  I don't WANT to drink another protein shake.  Heck, I sometimes live from "gimick" to "gimick" of new fun ways to talk myself into doing the things I know to do... livening up my routine so that its not so mundane, boring or a chore.  

This is for a lifetime...  we must take care of ourselves.  You can't just stop now cause you don't feel like it.  That is part of the old "diet mentality" that we used to live by, but now, where the rubber meets the road, we must get up each and every day and face ourselves in that mirror and say "yes sure I messed up yesterday but today is a new day. I choose to do what is best for me today."  and we may mess up 15 times throughout the course of our day but we still cannot give up...  we get up off the ground once again out of the mire and ashes of mistakes, and keep pushing forward, one step at a time...  

I think it will actually boost your motivation if you go see your doctor... 


on 2/2/10 7:18 am - Monterey, TN
I am only a year out, and I was struggling (STRUGGLING!) I was frustrated and I wasn't loosing, actually gained some back.   I was with Vandy, and for various reasons, I moved to Centennial and Dr. Houston, I feel like I'm empowered again to use my tool correctly.  I also got back to the local support group and have made my way to be back here to not only get support, but I make myself accountable through the "IDGOMB messages." 

We are all in this together, and you have gotten some great advise from the vets of our war on obesity, and I just wanted to let you know you are not alone!!!!

Susan J.
on 2/3/10 1:21 am - Madison, TN

I was so glad to see you at the support group meeting last night.

I wanted to talk to you after the meeting but got stopped by a newbie needing info and you got away.

PM me if you would like to get together. You know some of the stuff I've dealt with during the past year but not everything. If you need to talk I am willing to listen. Or if you just want to get together for coffee I'm open to that too. I just want you to know that you are not alone, you have a lot of people who care about you and want to help you get back to taking care of you.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 2/3/10 3:15 am - Gallatin, TN
There's a group here on OH for those of us that are just "not feeling it" but scared of gaining the weight back

The back on track is a very wonderful and helpful group for people just like you and me. I'm doing this meal by meal today. Back on Track Together is helping me a lot. They are nonjudgemental and are so supportive!

We all have those days! Hang in there! You've come too far to turn back now!


on 2/3/10 11:08 am - Madison, TN
HI JANIE!  I have been wondering about you...  we drive by your house every week when we visit Mike over on Belvedere Drive...  I always think I need to call or email...  and then never get around to it.  How are you?  I am glad to see you over here cause it reminded me to get in touch with you!  lol.


on 2/3/10 11:37 am - Gallatin, TN
Would love to see you! You look maaaaavelous daling!!!! Email me or call. We're in the book. I'm doing fine. i've needed some real support cause I've gone way off course. Dr. H. would have my head if he knew. I'm getting back on track before my 3 yr anniversary so I can go back to see him and have him not fuss at me! Well he may not fuss but he'd give me that dissapointed look that says, what are you doing???!?!!?!?! Give me a call sometime. Maybe we could do lunch!


on 2/3/10 11:42 am - Madison, TN
Janie, that sounds good.  We're going to Vegas this month (in a few weeks actually) for a weight loss surgery meet & greet....  the BTV folks will be there as well...  seems like my days are packed until then but I will get in touch with you when I return.  I would love to see you and sit awhile over coffee.  We ALL need one another to support us on this journey.   Sometimes, its the basics we need reminded of...  

Oh yeah, I know what you mean about Dr. H's disapproving look. LOL. 


on 2/3/10 12:03 pm - Gallatin, TN
I've missed the support of my bariatric buddies. I've been working nights so haven't gotten to go to the support meetings. I've gotten away from my online support to so I know what you mean by needing the support on this journey. Starbucks sounds good when you get back from Vegas. Have a great time and give me a call when you get back!


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