Mmmm! Crawdaddy's

on 1/30/10 7:15 am
Amy...  Good idea!  The food was great & company was pretty good, too.  DH is such a dufus!  I bought his lunch and he offered to pay for the rest of the table.  Such a generous guy, eh?  Let's re-schedule and see if anyone shows up. Yep, roads were rough for you natives but, for a Yankee; not so bad.

Stay warm y'all!

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 1/30/10 7:26 am - Monterey, TN
I am so glad you went and made it safely!   We didn't even get mail to our part of the world today...  I am thinking we are snowed in until maybe Wednesday? Thursday??  sigh...  going to be another week of cabin fever with a three year old!

on 1/30/10 8:25 am
Poor thing!  We got mail.  I'll share; I'll keep my benefits statement and you can have my water bill.  Just in case you think you're getting the raw end of the deal...  My 401K is .  I'll be working until I die.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 1/30/10 10:13 am - Jonesboro, AR
Ok spill. What is this Crawdaddy's of which you speak? Do we need to check it out when we finally get to NashVegas?

on 1/30/10 10:28 am
It's in Cookeville, 75 +/- miles east of Nashville.  I assume you'll be staying close to Centennial so you will want to check out the restaurants around there.  OK, they're chains but I love PF Chang's and Ted's Montana Grill has a nice menu.  Stony River is $$$$, and very good.

The Cookeville region peeps get together for lunches about once a month.  LapBand, RNY, DS or whatever just gather together for friendship, fun, and food.  The Nashville peeps inspired us and since there are quite a few of us around Cookeville, we have a nice turn out (usually).  This one was not so hot since we have anywhere from 1-5 inches of snow.  That can cripple us here with all the hills and hollers.

I just had to tease the locals a bit.  Of course the smart people did stay home, but us crazies who used to live in Colorado were not about to let a little snow keep us from lunch out.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 1/30/10 10:28 am - Monterey, TN
Crawdaddy's is a local resteraunt in Cookeville, TN.  We had planned to meet there today, but unforntately with the snow, I didn't get to go.  I've been before and knew it would be a hit!! 

Crawdaddy's has got a local flare with Cajun cooking..  it is a fantastic place..  definately going to have to schedule a get to gether there again soon!!  

So..  if you ever make it to Nashville, keep going another hour and you will be in Cookeville where Crawdaddy's is located, but it is well worth the extra driving time!!!!!


on 1/30/10 11:21 am - Jonesboro, AR
Thanks y'all! Maybe one of my appointments and one of the lunches will coincide :-) Sounds well worth another hour's drive.

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