Any runners?

on 1/24/10 10:06 pm - Around Knoxville, TN
So I'm in training for a half marathon on march 28th as part of the Covenant Health marathon in Knoxville.

i've been posting on the exercise board and carbs are a major part of the nutrition for running..I just keep getting scared to add that many in!!!

Any runners out there who can give me some insight?

Be happy. 


Kenneth C.
on 1/26/10 4:13 am, edited 1/26/10 4:19 am - Hendersonville, TN
 I was given information by my nut at Vanderbilt that was adapted for RNY patients who are performing endurance exercising. So here is what I was told.

1. Keep Hydrated

• Drink 16 oz of water or non-caffeinated fluid  up to 2 hours before.
• Drink another 4 to 8 oz 5 to 10 minutes before the event.

• Drink 8 to 10 oz every 15 to 10 minutes of strenuous exercise, if possible.
• Practice this during training for the event so that you can tolerate extra fluids during the event.

Sodium/Salt Replacement
• Your body will become metabolically unbalanced if you only use water to replace fluids.
• Look for sports drinks that contain 120 to 170 mg of sodium and 40 to 80 calories from carbohydrates per 8 oz., Gatorade or Gatorade G2 (if you find you experience dumping) should meet these needs.
You will have to experiments, as insulin production is decreased during activity, which lessens the likelihood of dumping with a conservative amount of carb intake. 

2. Nutrition

This is all trial and error on what will work for you.

Your pre exercise and event meal should:
• Help maintain your blood sugar
• Settle your stomach and keep you from feeling hungry.
• Fuel your muscles during your exercise.
• Keep your mind at ease that your body is ready to meet this challenge.

• Eat carbs with each meal
• For exercise longer than 1 hour choose carbs that will keep your blood sugar at an even level, such as light yogurt, oatmeal, bean soup, lentils and apples.
• For exercise less than 1 hour, choose easily digested items such as, toasted bread, English muffin, bagels and crackers.
• Limit high fat proteins, choose low fat items, such as;
      • 2 oz of turkey or chicken with a slice of bread
      • Low fat cheese with crackers
      • Cottage cheese with fruit
      • A poached egg and toast
      • Non fat milk with cereal and a banana
• Avoid sugar foods that will quickly increase your blood sugar, such as sports drinks (save these for during exercise), also avoid potatoes, corn flakes and rice.
• Give your body 2 to 3 hours to digest before your exercise or event.
• If you have a problem with your stomach getting upset, try using a liquid meal or supplements to see if they help. What your are needing is proteins and carbs, your favorite protein supplement and milk or fruit should meet your needs.

I was told to shoot for 100 plus grams of protein a day and 150 + grams of carbs a day. Keep in mind that I have the metabolism of a man, but that is what I am getting in with intense weightlifting and when I run. In addition I eating 1500 to 1750 calories a day when I do this. I was told to try to limit this to days when I am exercising and do for the most part. I may find this changes for me soon, as this was when I was 6 months out and almost at goal weight. Now I've surpassed my goal and going back to see my nut for my 1 year anniversary in a few weeks.

That's what I have, it does sound scary to add the carbs back in, but there is a reason behind it. I'd recommend checking with your nut and seeing what they say. If they don't know, make them do some homework and find out for you, but being that nutritionist usually help either wls patients or people in sports, I'm sure they should be able to help you.

Good luck, I think a marathon is a great goal.

*** I forgot to add, the added carbs are to fuel your muscles during the work out, the proteins are to fuel your muscles during and repair your muscles after the workout. So You'll want some protein and a fair amount of carbs before. The after your exercise or event  ( 1 to 2 hours) a fair balance of protein and carbs.
Kenny  - Facebook or view my blog —
HW 340/SW 297/CW 170/GW 190 — Start of Program Weight 315

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