my family and I are alive !

on 12/17/09 11:38 pm, edited 12/18/09 9:42 am - MURFREESBORO, TN
 let me tell you our scary story.  good news... we are all fine! bad news... a new heat/ac unit costs alot.....side note....... firemen are NOT that cute at 2 am !   we were awakened  the other night by our alarm screaming  at us. then we were informed our carbon monoxide monitor was detecting gas. the fire dept was alerted and when they got here they checked and sure enough we had a carbon monoxide leak and were informed we could not  be in our house and  we had to leave NOW .  so it is freezing (in the 20's)  and it is now close to 3am so we throw a few things in a bag , load the baby and ourselves up and wake up some family members to use their spare room.  the next morning we get a new system since that is where the leak came from. took all day but we have heat again !! thought that was it for the excitement but NOOOOO  . had to call the gas co for another leak outside at the meter. yep. had to replace the whole meter/lines to house etc.. to stop the gas leak.   .. we all fell into bed last night exhausted but warm. and very thankful because this story could have had a very different ending.  may you all be blessed this holiday season and please if you have gas heat get a carbon monoxide monitor !! Rebecca
Former Elizabeth
on 12/18/09 10:53 am
Wow.   I know those new systems are expensive!   But thank God you had a CO detector in your fire decector!   Odorless and colorless - People go from having a mild headache to dead in notime flat.   CO doesn't even make you feel like you're short of breath or irritate your nose or lungs.   CO binds to your hemoglobin in your blood something like 100x more strongly than oxygen so it's not even necessarily a quick fix to treat.

We moved into this house in 2005, and within four weeks, had to replace the water line between the meter and the house.   If the leak had been on the other side of the meter, we wouldn't have had to pay for it.   And within 2 months, the gas pack, which passed two inspections when we bought the house and when we had the gas turned on, developed a CO leak and we had to replace it.    Typical, I guess.

I'm very glad you and your family are all okay.


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

Susan J.
on 12/18/09 5:00 pm - Madison, TN

Those firemen may not have looked cute but I'll bet they were still a welcome sight!!

I am so glad you & your family are safe. Thank God for good warning equipment. I too am glad you had the CO monitor.

Hubby and I just replaced all 3 of our smoke detectors. We bought our house almost 10 years ago and had no idea how old the detectors were at that time. Our SIL (the firefighter) told us they need to be replaced every 10 years so we figured we were past due for new ones.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 12/18/09 5:06 pm - Nashville, TN
Wow!!!   I hate to hear what you have been going through, but I am glad that the results were definatly not what the could have been.  Your story also reminds me that we need to check ours, because we did not do it when the time changed, unless my husband did and I do not know about it. 
It sounds like a Christmas Blessing has already been to your house this year!!
on 12/19/09 6:12 am - MURFREESBORO, TN
thanks all. we are very blessed to be alive. we took the baby to the doc just to have her checked out and all is well. I call her a baby she is 3 and 1/2. (4 in April)  my hubby and I joked that guess what you get this year ?? heat ! but we know we were lucky to still be here .  happy holidays to all. check those smoke detectors !
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