Yet another night in the ER

Cheryl P.
on 12/10/09 12:19 am - Antioch, TN
Yep, it's true, I was in the ER again last night for the 3rd time in the last month and a half. My heart rate was 178 when we left the house last night. That is about what it was the last two times I have been. They have to get me meds Adenson (sp) that slows my hear down in about 7 seconds, kida scary for sure. On the good side, they tell me that what I am doing is giving myself a stress test and passing with flying colors, because while this is going on and after they give me the meds, I have no chest pain, shortness of breath or anything. They say that my heart's plumbing is great, but my heart's electrical is not I have a appt with a cardio doc lst thing monday morning. Hope he can get to the bottom of this and soon. I am under tremdous stress and have been for quite  awhile, but when I ask the ER docs, they tell me that it has nothing to do with stress. I don't know if I believe them or not. Every time this happens, it is after I have had a extra, extra stressful day or night. I so hope I get some answers on monday and they get this under control. I will let everyone know when I know.

Hope everyone is having a great day.




on 12/10/09 2:34 am
Here's hoping you get it straightened out next week! Sounds like the docs should be listening to your history rather than telling you it's not related (but then, they were ER docs looking at an EKG so they didn't really know your background). I'll be interested in hearing what the cardiologist says. 
on 12/13/09 7:54 am - TN

Best of luck to you and I hope all goes well.


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