6 days out and miserable...help

on 12/6/09 10:16 pm - Madison, TN
Not meaning to change the subject...  but Bob...  I was wondering where you were...  as a matter of fact, I was going to pm you today and say "how ya doing?"  Also, the other Bob.  I am wondering about him too.  Glad to see you!


Bob L.
on 12/7/09 1:06 pm - Clarksville, TN
Thanks Mel for thinking of me.  I haven't talked to Bamma for a few weeks, I need to give him a call!  C'ya Bob

on 12/6/09 8:14 pm
I can totally relate to you. I had "buyers remorse" for the first 6 weeks of my surgery. I cried and wished I had never had it done and to make matters worse, people who never experienced this made me feel worse , like I shouldn't feel that way and should be grateful for having the surgery! There are a few out there (me included) that experience a harder and longer recovery than others. Everyone is different. I just wanted to tell you , you are not alone. Even water tasted bad to me. BUT, it will get better and your taste will adjust. I still can't eat things I did before cause I can't stand the taste. Make sure you get your water in and just take it one day at a time. Try different protein drinks to find one that you can tolerate and stick with that. I would think every day just make it through today and tomorrow will be better and as of this morning I have lost 100 lbs. for my birthday today!! In just a few days , it will be 4 months from my surgery and I can eat and drink now so it will get better.......hang in there! I was exactly where you were and you are not alone.  shell
Linda T.
on 12/12/09 12:26 pm - Nashville, TN
Wow, Shell!  How did you lose 100 pounds in just 4 months??  That's amazing.  Any tips?
Linda T
Remember - If it comes through your car window, it isn't food!! 
Former Elizabeth
on 12/7/09 1:33 am
I'm sorry you're having a hard time of this.   You know that you'll feel better at some point, but when you really feel unwell, it's hard to believe.   And it's hard to remember ever feeling well!

I'm with K9ophile - you can use up your stores of protein now whilst you're going through this difficult period.   But the priority has to be to keep hydrated.   If you get dehydrated, you can get so sick that it's not possible to ge****er or other fluid in, and keep it in.   Then you're really in trouble.

So concentrate on the fluids and just try to be good to yourself.   Sip sip sip, as they say and walk walk walk.   If you have medications to help with the nausea, use them.   They'll make you sleepy, but that's not a horrible thing when you're trying to heal up from a surgery.

Best luck


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

on 12/8/09 4:23 am
Thank you to everyone *****sponded.  Water is about the only thing I can tolerate and it has to be very cold.  I hope that "one day" that I feel better comes soon.  Thanks again! 
on 12/8/09 9:13 pm, edited 12/8/09 9:14 pm
Well, it's obvious that your followup is probably this week, so I'm hoping Dr. Houston can come up with some ideas to make you  feel better. I'm sure you're not the first patient to have these problems.

 I'm REALLY getting tired of Isopure! I just keep telling myself that one day this stage will be over and I can get back to eating something like food, even if it has to be "bulletized".

Feel better soon!
on 12/11/09 4:20 am
Thanks to everyone for your help getting through this miserable time.  I did go to see Dr. Houston yesterday and he said I could now start shakes and see how that goes.  I am feeling a little bit better, I'll just be glad when I have a few months under my belt so I can say "wow that wasn't so bad."  LOL 

God bless you all!
Linda T.
on 12/12/09 12:24 pm - Nashville, TN
Sorry you're having such a hard time.  It will get better - I promise.  During my first week I drank a lot of No Sugar Added Instant Breakfast, Chocolate, and I finally got some strawberry Chike protein powder which I mixed with cottage cheese and I was able to drink it mixed with milk.  I hate protein powder so this was a big step for me.

Good luck!
Linda T
Remember - If it comes through your car window, it isn't food!! 
on 12/13/09 7:47 am - TN
I am only 3 days post-op and when the pain hit after waiting up all I could say was God what have I done.  I answered that question quickly though...I made the best decision I could make considering my options.  In reality the pain is no worse than when I had my C-section and Tubal (although I was some 7-10 years younger).  I am using Unjury protein powders and so far I know I am not a fan of strawberry sorbet...smells like cat pee (lol).  Not everything smells bad but I am surprised at how little I can eat.  I have notices some changes in my pallet already.  I love applesauce, but the Original Motts I bought is far to sweet for me to tolerate.  I am happy though, because sweet were my weakness. 

When I talked to my surgeon about not being able to take in much, I was told just be sure to get in your fluids, take my multi-vitamins and GO SLOW.  It took me almost an hour to eat one egg this morning, WOW!

Cheer up, things will level out.  You just had a major surgery.  Your body needs time to recoup and get back to normal.

Best of luck, Betty
--Love you in the name of this thing we are fighting together...OBESITY
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