6 days out and miserable...help

on 12/6/09 1:33 am
I'm 6 days out and miserable.  I'm having a terrible time getting my protein in.  I've got Cytomax tropical punch and Isopure grape for my protein drinks and the taste and smell make me want to vomit.  There is absolutely nothing that smells or tastes good.  Every time I try to get something down, I start getting sick to my stomach.  All I do is cry and wish to God I had never done this......help!
on 12/6/09 2:50 am
Hate to hear that... My surgery is first thing in the morning.  If you find out what work bests though please let  me know.  Hope each day will get better for you....
on 12/6/09 4:02 am
This sounds like me a year ago or at least October 2008. Even swallowing my own saliva made me sick.  All I could do was to keep on trying.  It wasn't easy.  I was so afraid Dr. Houston would yell at me and that made me feel even worse.  He didn't.  He was very compassionate.  It sounds like you and I are among the very few who have a horrible time recovering.  As miserable as I was, I'm happy to say it did get better.  Very slowly,and I was probably a good five and a half months out before I did start feeling human.  The good news? I almost feel super human now.

I am so sorry you feel this way.  Having been through it, I wouldn't wi**** on anyone except for maybe Osama Bin Laden.  Hang in there and do what you can.  Be totally honest with Dr. Houston.  He won't judge you and can only help you if you tell him everything.  It may take you a few weeks, something I 'm sure you don't want to hear.  However, if I can now feel like Super Woman, I know it can be done.

Cyber hugs to you.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/09 7:20 am - Sparta, TN
I have been away from OH for several weeks, and this is the first post I read when I looked at the board....the first paragraph of your reply was exactly what I needed to hear.

I've been having a rough time with heartburn/reflux and have not been able to eat/drink as much as I should because of it...and was feeling awfully...alone.  THANK you for showing me that it DOES get better!

on 12/6/09 7:16 am, edited 12/6/09 7:18 am
 There are clear bottles of Isopure in mango peach and something with melon. They're tart, kind of like Jolly Ranchers. Also, if you like Thai food, you might try a little unflavored protein in the broth from Lemongrass soup. I've also had the broth from the wonton soup at August Moon and Kroger has some great free-range chicken broth that you can add a scoop of Unjury chicken soup or unflavored protein to...it's not horrible. Frankly, warm broth has been the only way I'm getting down the inside of those Actigall caps!

I'm so sorry you're having problems, but I'm sure it will be better when you get to the shakes. You're only on clears for a week, so just try to do the best you can.

As for me, I'm still missing hamburgers in a big way.
on 12/6/09 9:17 am
K9 what did you survive on?  I am so weak.  Every smell out there is making me nauseous!  If I could have this reversed tomorrow I would!
on 12/6/09 10:02 am
 If Houston gave you a script for Phenergan, you should take it. If not, definitely call his office tomorrow and get one. If you can calm down the nausea, you'll feel better.
on 12/6/09 10:32 am
OK, I know a lot of people call Isopure Isopuke.  However, I did OK on the glass bottles of the fruit flavored drinks.   I still drink them.  I had to have them on ice at the beginning.  I would have froze them if necessary because the colder the better for me.  I also drank a lot of hot herbal tea.  I cannot tolerate Crystal light. 

About the question of what to eat or drink...  On a good day, I find those kind of posts amusing.  On a bad day I want to reach thru the monitor and slap people.  Our taste buds are as individual as we are.  What tastes good to me will gag someone else and vice versa.  Experiment with what is recommended.  A good friend cannot stand the clear bottles of Isopure, but could get them down if she watered them down.  She raved about Muscle Milk and that makes me wanna puke.  I wish I had the magic formula for each and every WLS patient, but I don't.  Just hang in there and do the best you can.  You can live on less than the minimum protein for a little while.  DO NO LET YOURSELF GET DEHYDRATED!  Perhaps when you get off clears, you will find a shake or protein powder mix that will get you through until you can have solid food.  There was a time when I was hoping that they actually saved the part of my stomach that was cut away with my DS.  I wanted it put back, my switch reversed, and my fat & unhealthy life back.  Now I have a real life.  I don't want to discourage you, but if you are like me it may be months before you feel good.  I hope you aren't, but not everyone does great in the immediate post-op period. 

Weakness is not good.  Call Houston's office first thing in the AM.  He does surgeries in the morning, but he will get bask to you ASAP.  He is amazing.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 12/6/09 1:23 pm
 One more thing you might try is egg-based protein rather than whey based. The thing about Unjury and some other products is their strong "bovine" smell. I've recently received some egg protein powder and it's less obnoxious to me in liquid than other unflavored proteins I've tried.

Unfortunately, having read a lot of the posts on this site, it does seem that some people have to search harder than others to find what they like. Many people have an increased sense of smell after the operation and are easily nauseated. I was very ill on the second day after the surgery and vomited, so I made sure I left with a prescription for nausea because I really could not deal with that again.

If I find any more suggestions, I'll post them here. 
Bob L.
on 12/6/09 5:46 pm - Clarksville, TN
Jello made with a protein bullet.  
You can pick them up at GNC/Wal Mart/Vitamin Shop.  They are the ones that look like a test tube they come in 25 protein to 40+.  The one
I liked is New Whey Liquid Protein with 42 protein flavor really doesn't matter. 
Simply make SF Jello but cut the water back 3oz and add one 3oz bottle of protein. 

I lived on this and SF Popsicles and still am a Popsicle addict! 

Your taste and past likes may not be desirable anymore, but thats a good thing its why we had WLS. 

At this point don't stress on how much protein you are getting in make sure your getting your liquids in.  I found warm liquids went down best.  Good Luck! 

C'ya Bob 

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