throat and neck hurt
My surgery was a few days ago, incisions doing fine only hurts when I move...however the only pain I have is my neck and deep in my throat....WTH has happened that I have such pain !!! It hurts so bad it brings tears to my eyes and seems to be getting worse! Please help me I don't know what to do, I told everyone at the hospital before I left how bad it hurt, my neck down the side into my left shoulder, and when I swallow it hurts but every few minutes a wave of pain (spasm) seems to start at the back of my throat and wash down into my lung area. Feels like someone strangling me is horrible pain I can't even find the words to explain. I am taking Motrin 800mg and it helps some (can't take narcartics). Shouldn't this be getting better not worse? UGH!!
I also had surgery with Dr. Williams, he's a great doctor and takes good care of his patients. I would definitely call the phone number on your discharge instructions if you have any concerns, like it sounds like you do. I'm no medical expert, so I won't even try to post on what I think it could be. But if it is getting worse, I'd call now and not wait.
I hope you feel better and welcome to the loser's bench.
I hope you feel better and welcome to the loser's bench.
Kenny - Facebook or view my blog —
HW 340/SW 297/CW 170/GW 190 — Start of Program Weight 315
HW 340/SW 297/CW 170/GW 190 — Start of Program Weight 315

couple of things.... what surgery did you have? RNY? concerned b/c u are taking motrin and that is a no-no if u had RNY. either way, this doesn't sound normal. Pain is your body's way of telling you that something isn't right. Call Jenn Nalle or one of the nurses on Monday of if it get's too bad, go back tomorrow.
If you told them when you were still there, they weren't listening or you weren't being forceful enough with it. As always, if this concerns you, you MUST do what you have to do to take care of you. You are your best advocate. Don't leave until you get the answer that satisfies your needs or you feel comfortable that you are taken care of.
If you told them when you were still there, they weren't listening or you weren't being forceful enough with it. As always, if this concerns you, you MUST do what you have to do to take care of you. You are your best advocate. Don't leave until you get the answer that satisfies your needs or you feel comfortable that you are taken care of.
You may have a cervical disc problem or rupture that was aggravated by the positioning of your neck during surgery. Definitely call your doctor and if I were you, I would ask my personal doctor for a referral to an orthopedist who specializes in neck surgery. An MRI to rule this out wouldn't be out of the question, but sometimes you have to jump up and down to make your point.
Note: I'm not saying that the surgery *caused* your problem, but you may have a pre-existing cervical disc problem that can become irritated with the procedures that are necessary during the surgery you had.
Definitely inform your WLS surgeon that you are taking Motrin. I think NSAIDS are a no-no with your surgery.
Note: I'm not saying that the surgery *caused* your problem, but you may have a pre-existing cervical disc problem that can become irritated with the procedures that are necessary during the surgery you had.
Definitely inform your WLS surgeon that you are taking Motrin. I think NSAIDS are a no-no with your surgery.
This is not a disc problem the pain isn't skeletal it is muscular. This morning I woke at 4:30 am in pain below one of the incisions on my right adomen I could barely get out of bed. I now sit up right and the waves of pain in my throat continue no better than yesterday and maybe worse actually. Took 1 hour for the motrin to kick in this morning to take off the edge. (I walked at the grocery store yesterday and down to the corner by my house) felt ok when I went to bed last night, thought it would be much better this morning but I was sooo wrong! I feel like crap and plan on being at the dr office tomorrow if no better than today. I am normally very resilient and heal very fast. I have had many major surgeries during my life and have never been this sick for this long afterwards always shown steady progress toward getting better. I don't know if it is the gas they used or what they did that has caused this horrendous pain inside my trachea. (really that is where the major pain is) .
Did they have a tube down your throat?
I've heard of pain in the shoulder blade/into the back which is from the anesthesia... its gas basically, and it does hurt like a dickens. Walking can help that. But the pain you describe, in your actual neck and throat, no I have not heard of that before.
Like everyone else, I think you need to call your surgeon immediately. And, not be diagnosing or treating the symptoms yourself with Motrin. We are not able to take every medication that we were able to prior to wls, and it will be like that forever... you need clearance from the doctor to take medications. It may make it worse in the long run.
I've heard of pain in the shoulder blade/into the back which is from the anesthesia... its gas basically, and it does hurt like a dickens. Walking can help that. But the pain you describe, in your actual neck and throat, no I have not heard of that before.
Like everyone else, I think you need to call your surgeon immediately. And, not be diagnosing or treating the symptoms yourself with Motrin. We are not able to take every medication that we were able to prior to wls, and it will be like that forever... you need clearance from the doctor to take medications. It may make it worse in the long run.
As I stated originally, I told everyone who talked to me at the hospital including the doctor about the severe pain I was having in my throat and neck (yes I have the gas pain too but this is not gas pain)....he said it was ok to take the motrin although he wanted me to take a narcartic which don't agree with me. So we settled for Motrin. I was just trying to see if anyone else experienced this angony before I see him on Monday....I think somthing is damaged deep inside my throat. the muscle spasms are so painful it brings makes me cry in pain. I haven't slept well in 4 nights now which is adding to my anquish. Every time I fall asleep the muscles which are spasming wake me up with a start. I was prepared for the surgical pain, the gas pain, but not this....this is worse.