4 years out. As of oct 26.

on 11/17/09 11:59 am - Knoxville, TN
Greetings friends,

  It has been a weird four years since my wls. I have had some ups and downs.  Last month I gained 15 pounds. I found out that my poly cystic ovary  syndrome was kicking up again and started that weight gain again. I caught it early this time. I called my female doctor they changed my hormones and added a new med. again. But the good news is I am back down and my weight is only 2 pounds from my goal again. I am now back to myself again.
  I am staying on top of everything and not letting my health get out of control. I am still on my high protein diet and drank lots of water. I am still activate and happy. I hope everyone is feeling good about themselves these days.
Your friend,
on 11/17/09 11:44 pm - Madison, TN
Hello, Tina!  Thanks for your post today... I, too have PCOS (notice I said "have" and not "had" because it is not cured from wls, contrary to popular beleif)...  and I try to tell people everywhere that yes, studies show that symptoms of PCOS go away after wls... HOWEVER, the study was only done during the first year after patients had wls...  they were not followed for a period of two years, three years, four years, etc. 

For me, the PCOS affects did tremendously decrease that first year.  But from the reading I have done, and people I see posting on the boards, they return. Some of mine have returned as well.  My endocrinologist and gynecologist both are on the same page in that they want me to be tested every year for Insulin Resistance again...  of course, with IR, the overproduction of insulin yet the body does not use what is made, causes the bellyfat in the midsection.  I was rechecked for IR a few months ago, and there was no clinical findings that it has returned.  I plan on keeping on top of it, like you said...

One research article I had read awhile back was about a woman who had gained a significant amount of weight.  She returned to her gastric surgeon who put her on a med (not sure if it was glucophage, but it was similar if it wasn't glucophage) and she once again started losing weight ...  there are conditions that we mus****ch because they will cause us to gain weight again.  WLS isn't a magical cure for all our health problems, and its important to keep logs of weigh****ch when it fluctuates and try to get treatment or checked as soon as possible.  Another condition or situation that is similar is depression and using antidepressant medications... that too can cause weight gain.

I just want to add one thing. It was courageous of you to come here, and tell us your story.  I have a friend who no longer frequents support groups out of her shame of gaining weight, much of which was outside of her realm of control due to health problems...  gaining weight makes us feel terrible about ourselves...  I hope you will find great encouragement here, and I am confident that you will receive some positive results on your medical condition quest... 


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