From Marilyn on Ron

Elizabeth O.
on 11/8/09 9:51 am - nashville, TN
Marilyn Nabors Lynch Sorry I haven't been able to update. Ron was in surgery from 1:45 pm until midnite. He had a massive bleed that took almost 2 hrs to control but they did. He took 8 units of plasma. They cleared out the abcess, removed vertebrae from C4,5, and 6. decompressed the spine, removed part of the surrounding ligament that ...was infected, then reconstructed as much as possible with hip bone, plates and screws. Praise God!
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

Elizabeth O.
on 11/8/09 9:45 pm - nashville, TN
Cindy Ballard Ferrell Ron is holding his own. Off the vent right after surgery, so that was great. They had to reconstruct several vertebra with bone from his hip, and remove a massive abscess. Yesterday he was awake and receiving blood products. HCT was down to 16. Thanks for your prayers, they are still needed and much appreciated!
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

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