I'm home and bummed

Cheryl P.
on 11/1/09 1:09 am - Antioch, TN

First let me say that I am so sorry for having to cancel the Oct DC, but it was really out of my hands. I hope that I didn't mess up everyones plans.

I'm not sure what everyone knows about what is going on but here is the 911 (might be more info that you want to hear, just to warn you)

All of this started on the Friday the 23rd, that was the last meal that I ate that had stayed down. Sat morning, things started coming up, but still didn't feel real bad and was able to go to DH 30 year high school class reunion. Sunday, things really started flowing, I went to the ER that evening and they said that I just had a virus and a UTI and migrains. Gave me meds for both and sent me home. I started on those meds and yet still nothing would stay down. Monday went in to see the PCP, she agreed with the ER and gave me nasuea/vomiting meds, I tried those, still no relieve. So by Tuesday morning I figured that I might as well go to my LapBand doc and have that checked out. He said that more than likely since everything was coming up that I needed to be deflated, so that was done on Tuesday. The rest of that day thru the next morning, again still no relive. Called the PCP back on Wednesday, she told me to go to the ER again, done that. Now they tell me that the UTI had went into a sever kidney infection and they was going to keep me. Wednesday and Thursday they were just scratching their heads and not knowing what to do. They wanted to do a CT,but I was 20lbs over the machine weight limit, go figure. Friday morning they done the swallow test, that was just terrible, because again everytime I swallowed it came back up. I was finally able to get enough down for them to see a little bit. Late Friday night the doc came in and told me what they "thought" was going on. Since I had been vomiting for almost a week and even thought my band was deflated, my stomach had swollen all around the band and nothing was getting thru. They told me that my Lapband doc was going to have to go in and see for sure what was going on. About 10:00 Friday night, they transported me to Murf hospital, but ambulance. Doc meet me there and I was on the OR table by 10:45. I did not have time to worry, think, get upset or anything, it all happend so fast, which I guess was a good thing. I was out of surgery a little after midnight. They had to totally remove my LapBand and port. I will be doing another procedure, but I can't do that for about 6-8 weeks, and when I do, like before it is going to depend on my Insurance as to which procedure I have .I will say this I do not  ever regret having the LapBand done and I hope that this doesn't scare anyone from havign it. I came home yesterday, had a pretty rough night last night, but feeling a little bit better this morning, jsut extremly sore and moving real slow.My whole system is messed up from all the meds that I have had to have this past week. I was given something for nasuea and morphine every 4 hours and there was a couple of times I had to have more pain meds in between that. I was a very sick pup and it is going to take a little while for me to recover from this. I want to thank everyone for all the post,emails, calls, etc they all meant alot to me. I also would like to thank my dear dear DH for everything that he has done this past week. I felt so bad for him on Friday ngiht, because he was there by himself while I was in surgery and he didn't know for sure what the outcome was going to be. I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone had a great Hollween and is doing good. The Nov DC & my BD is still planned for the 20th of this month. I so hope that everyone can attend. Everything will be provided and it will be both WLS and family friendly, so you will not need to bring anything. I will need a head count by the 16th and the breakdown of how many adults and how many children. I will have the door prizes for the adults and candy treat bags for the children, that I was going to have at the Oct. DC.

Love ya'll,



GO TITANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



on 11/1/09 9:53 am - Madison, TN
Wow, Cheryl! You have been through a week of heck!  I am sorry to hear of all the troubles that you've had this week but I hope that you are now able to get mended up and feeling better.  I must admit, I don' t have a lapband and don't understand all the things that can happen, but I sure am glad that they were able to get it off so that you can digest some food.  It sounds serious, like a choking or squeezing perhaps?

Take care, get rested up and heal soon... 


Cheryl P.
on 11/2/09 1:29 am - Antioch, TN
Thanks Melinda, it was for sure  a week that I never want to go thru again. It was like no matter what I done nothing would work, the pain was unreal. Belive it or not I still have restriction and that is to be expected with all the swelling. I have only done protien shakes and very very soft foods will probably continue that for a couple of more days. What little I am eating, I am still in the LapBand mode, by not drinking before, during or after. So even though the LapBand is gone in my belly, it is still in my head...LOL Which I think is great!!!!!!!




(deactivated member)
on 11/1/09 10:16 am - Sevierville, TN
Cheryl, I know you are disappointed to be without the band but you have had so many issues with it that maybe it is for the best. I hope you heal quickly and completely so that you can look into what to do next. I know a lot will depend on your insurance. Been there done that. I think if I were in your place I would look at the VSG. My insurance wouldn't cover it so it wasnt an option for me. I have several friends who were a little afraid of malabsorption who have been tremendously successful with it. Whatever you decide, you know everyone here is behind you and will be here for you.
Take care and get well soon.
Cheryl P.
on 11/2/09 1:34 am - Antioch, TN
Thanks a bunch Karen, your support means alot to me. I have allready been looking into my options, allready have phone calls in to the insurance company and doctors.

I love your Halloween picture.




(deactivated member)
on 11/2/09 2:20 am - Sevierville, TN
Thanks, Cheryl. I hope your insurance works out with whatever you choose.

Good luck!

on 11/1/09 10:28 am
Wow!  What an ordeal.  I'm glad you're better and sad you may be facing another WLS.  Of course I want you to be healthy, I just hate to see you going through so much to get there.  You and Phil were in my prayers as I'm sure the past few days were hard for both of you.  It isn't easy being a patient or watching a loved one in pain. 

Now listen here, missy:  You take care of yourself and get your rest.  No trying to be superwoman and getting back to work before you're ready.

Hugs to you & Phil.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

Cheryl P.
on 11/2/09 1:36 am - Antioch, TN
You say Wow.......@#^%&&%(&^)*(&)&*_&_*_(+()+(++(*^%^%#@...........LOL

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I am resting and I am allready checking into other options that I have. I am not giving up because of this.




Former Elizabeth
on 11/1/09 10:32 am
I'm sorry you've had such a  rough time of it.  I hope you're all healed up and ready to move on with your life and WLS very soon.


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

Cheryl P.
on 11/2/09 1:38 am - Antioch, TN
Thanks Dennie, I am healing slowly and resting as much as I can, but at the same time moving around and doing little things, that is helping with the soreness. I will be moving on with my life and for sure another WLS option is included. I have come to far to give up on this now.




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