October Dinner Club / Halloween Chili Dinner

Hello everyone.
I just spoke with Phil a short time ago. It seems Cheryl is not doing so well. She is having trouble keeping food down, even liquids. the Dr wants to run a CT on her abdomen, but is unable to do it where they are. It is very possible that she might be transferred to a hospital in Murfreesboro. Please keep her and Phil in your thoughts and prayers.
With that being said, he has asked that I post this here and on Facebook that the October Dinner Club for Friday 10/30 will be canceled for the moment. Once everything settles back down, he and Cheryl will re-schedukle it and let everyone know.
Once again, the October Dinner Club has been canceled. If you made chili , go ahead and freeze it for later! If you don;t want to freeze it, give me a call and help you eat it!
Here's to a Spooktacular Halloween!
Cheryl and Phil, Please hang in there!!! Phil I know you will take care of Cheryl, because your love is so awesome. I hope they figure out what is causing this pain soon, you have had a lot of this going on for way too long now, it seems like it has come and gone every since your surgery. Keep you head up high and Cheryl please get better soon!!! I know how much you love bears, so here is one for you!!!!