Thoughts on Struggles
Ron got home about midnight Monday night. My sister went home Tuesday afternoon. My nephew, Tyler has to report back to his Army base on Nov 5 so he will be here until soon before then. That young man is a saint and so much like my Matt it is unbelievable. He has not balked at doing anything at all to help take care of his Uncle Ron. He has left a beautiful brand new fiance in Florida to come up here. We will have LOTS of help this weekend. Then they all go home, and just Tyler and me through Thursday. After that?
I was thinking about the struggles that I had in the past with losing weight, then the struggles after surgery with the back surgery and the shoulder surgery. I thank God that He has prepared me in many ways for this day. Even though my other rotator cuff is now torn, I am physically in much better shape that I would have been if I had not lost over 150 pounds. I mean, how in the world could I take care of Ron if I were in a wheelchair right now? Also, I spent over 10 years as a Hospice nurse-so who better to be prepared to care for him? I watched my daddy, sister and recently my mother pass away. I have had a lot of loss in my life, Perhaps the Lord was preparing me for this...the greatest struggle of all. I firmly believe the Lord gives us what we need when we need it...sometimes only barely enough, sometimes in abundance. I am asking for peace, grace, and strength in abundance for me, and that Ron doesn't have to stay like this for long. The doctors have not completely given up, the therapists are trying. But he is fading. Please pray for a speedy, painless resolution for all our sakes, one way or another.
I was thinking about the struggles that I had in the past with losing weight, then the struggles after surgery with the back surgery and the shoulder surgery. I thank God that He has prepared me in many ways for this day. Even though my other rotator cuff is now torn, I am physically in much better shape that I would have been if I had not lost over 150 pounds. I mean, how in the world could I take care of Ron if I were in a wheelchair right now? Also, I spent over 10 years as a Hospice nurse-so who better to be prepared to care for him? I watched my daddy, sister and recently my mother pass away. I have had a lot of loss in my life, Perhaps the Lord was preparing me for this...the greatest struggle of all. I firmly believe the Lord gives us what we need when we need it...sometimes only barely enough, sometimes in abundance. I am asking for peace, grace, and strength in abundance for me, and that Ron doesn't have to stay like this for long. The doctors have not completely given up, the therapists are trying. But he is fading. Please pray for a speedy, painless resolution for all our sakes, one way or another.
You have been in my thoughts and prayers so much lately, I hate that you and your family are going through this. Although, you are right that God prepares us for things in our future, even though we think WHY at times. Give me a call if you need me. Plus, I noticed on Facebook that you were looking for a lift recliner for Ron, check out medical rental places or even Craigslist to see if you can find one there. I rented on for my grandmother several years ago after she had back surgery, it was expensive, but well worth it!!
Love Ya!

Marilyn, my heart goes out to you so much. I wish I had some magical words or something that could make it better. Please know that you are in all our hearts and prayers, and have been during your rough days. May the Lord just give you strength, and comfort, and be by your side at all times. May Ron rest in the arms of Jesus through this horrific time in his life. Hugs to you both.