Arm surgery

Kathy Newton
on 10/16/09 10:07 pm - LaVergne, TN
I had my arm surgery yesterday. If you thought having pain after having the weightloss surgery was bad, that was a piece of cake. My arms are killing me. The Va is liposuction on both arms yesterday, then cut off the excess skin. I have stitches from the elbows to middle of my armpits. While in surgery they kept putting pain medications into my IV while I was having surgery. They used Fentinal and Dilaudid every half hour.

Surgery started at 9:10 am, it took almost 4 hours and I didn't wake up until 3 pm. Even though my pain level never dropped down from a level 9 to a 4 like they wanted, they went ahead and released me.  I knew Bobby was getting tired after just getting his chemo the day before.  I have drain bulbs in both arms, and will see the surgeon on the 21st to have the bandages changed and possibly the removal of the drain tubes. My arms hurt so much, not allowed to shower or bath, just whip off until the tubes come out.  The blue hair bonnets you wear in surgery makes my head itch and I can't bend my arms to scratch it.

My nurse asked me if I had to have the gastric bypass surgery all over again would I do it, and I told her in a heart beat. It has been the best decision of my life.  Because the ace wrap has to be real tight like it was when I had to wear that thing around my stomach when I had the tummy tuck, my arms are very swollen.  That makes the pain more intense.  On top of it all I have had a pounding migraine for 2 days. 

They have me taking 6 mgs of Dilaudid every 4 hours plus Pheneragan.  At 3 am this morning the pain woke me up, then the bladder decided to wake up at 5am. So I thought I would let y'all know how things went. I came thru the surgery fine, just in a lot of major pain.

I'm going with Bobby today for a couple of days to his apartment in Pulaski to rest as I have no furniture in my house that allows me to prop my arms up on. He's being a real stickler about me being up and about when he thinks I should be in bed with my arms up over my heart.  Dr. said I was allowed to be up and about just not do anything strenuous until the tubes come out.  But Bobby thinks they should have kept me in the hospital until I see the Dr. on Wednesday.  Stay at the VA until Wednesday, NO WAY.......

Thanks for any and all prayers that went out.  They were appreciated.

OH my son, who has been unemployed since January, finally got a job.  I am so thrilled for him, as his unemployment was to run out in January and he has to pay child support.

My prayers to all, Kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 10/19/09 2:09 am
I appreciate all the detail you have provided.  I'm not anywhere near the point of even thinking about plastics, yet I will bookmark this for the furture.  If I do get any plastics, I want to know the experiences of people who have had it.

It's good to hear your son found a job, too.  It can be so hard on a family or an individual to face these times unemployed.  I've had to sharpen my skills as a bargain hunter just because prices are so high on things.

Just take it easy until you're all better, OK?

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

Kathy Newton
on 10/20/09 11:37 am - LaVergne, TN
You will need to check with your insurance regarding any plastic surgery. The tummy tuck is the first to get done because it posses a health problem. Since I am a veteran, I was able to get my thighs done also.  I had the arms done after being out for almost 4 years. They got to the point where I couldn't wear anything with sleeves.  They held in the bacteria that makes BO stain your clothes.  Right now I still can't bend my arms. Very swollen and still very painful.  Not being able to do anything, just keeping my arms elevated is getting boring. I took a nap yesterday afternoon and woke up at  9:30am this morning. Fell back to sleep this afternoon and woke up at 8pm. I want to take a shower so much.  Had to go to the ER on Saturday as my fingers were turning blue. They loosened my ace wraps and allowed me to wear the gown home. I have lived in this hospital gown for 3 days.  At least it's better then trying to get on a top, with drain bulbs attached to my arms. 

Do what we all do, buy things from Goodwills.  They have great prices especially on 50% off day, and some really cute clothes.  Thanks, and good luck

 Kathy Newton

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