Friday check in..

on 10/16/09 12:31 am - Monterey, TN
Happy Chilly Friday! 

I am heading to the Y this afternoon, while I am not sure I'll meet my challenge goals, but I am still working to give it a good try! 

How is everyone else doing?  Staying warm? 


                               Adopted by Centennial 1/27/2010    
"Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
on 10/16/09 6:11 am, edited 10/16/09 6:12 am - Madison, TN
Hi, Amy...  glad someone asked...  I am suffering with "Battle Fatigue" these past few weeks...  just blah, depressed, tired of counting calories, cutting carbs, oh you name it...  ever just have those days when you just feel fed up with the whole food thing?  It's always count this, count that, look at food labels... 

BUT don't dare stop doing any of it because, just last night I grabbed two Isopure Plus bottles that got sent to me for a review...  and thank heavens I looked at the labels...  they looked identical except two different flavors...  one said it was a nutritional drink with 11 sugars, 33 carbs, 190 calories...  while the other had one tiny starburst graphic on the right that said, "ZERO sugar"...  stats were much different!!  Even at 3 yrs postop, its easy to be tricked.

and, today I almost choked to death.  I accidentally swallowed my chewable iron WHOLE, UNCHEWED (long story) by accident!  It got lodged in my throat (thank heavens it got lodged there, not in my stomach).  and my throat is a little scratchy from it but I did get it out without needing the Heimlich Maneuver!


on 10/17/09 2:07 am - Monterey, TN
I am so glad I asked too..  I am sorry to hear about your blahs..   and especially your choking!!  :(  I think the weather has us all in a mood!

You take care of yourself, and hopefully things will be sunny for you soon.


                               Adopted by Centennial 1/27/2010    
"Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
Susan J.
on 10/16/09 7:17 am - Madison, TN

I tried a new restaurant for lunch today with some friends. We went to a place that sells Chicago style Italian Beef sandwiches. It did not sit well, or for very long.

I just ate the meat off of the sandwich and it seemed dry while I was chewing it but I thought I would be okay since it was beef sliced almost paper thin. Boy was I wrong!! Even this far out I can't handle dry, well done beef.

I will be taking it easy on my grouchy pouchy tonight and I don't think I will be eating at that particular place again.

Hubby actually has a Saturday off tomorrow so we may head to Shelby Bottoms for a bike ride if it doesn't rain.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Michael S.
on 10/16/09 10:59 am
When are we going "sperlunking" (sp?)??

I would LOVE to get a bike, but I think that I'm going to wait till the spring.

Have fun!!

on 10/17/09 2:08 am - Monterey, TN

I hope it is pretty where you are for your bike ride..  it is still cold and nasty here!!!


                               Adopted by Centennial 1/27/2010    
"Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
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