"10 Secrets of the Effortlessly Thin" I agree with most even to Maintain Weight...

on 9/29/09 9:51 pm - Atlanta, GA
10 Secrets of the Effortlessly Thin The majority of thin people—whether they have been lean all their life or managed to lose weight and keep it off—share several healthy strategies that help them stay thin and healthy with seemingly little effort. Here are 10 secrets you need to know in order to join the ranks of the thin.     They don't diet Or at least not in the traditional, all-or-nothing, deprivation sense of the word. "You need to get rid of that diet mentality and realize that what you are doing is making a permanent lifestyle change," says Anne Fletcher, M.S., R.D., author of the Thin for Life book series. She adds, "You do have to cut back on calories if you want to stay thin, but it's about reassessing what you eat and being more sensible in your choices, not about a quick-fix, crazy diet." Research has also shown that thin people tend to have a better quality diet than those who are overweight. They eat more fruits and vegetables and more fiber, and drink more water—all healthy things that provide more food volume for the number of calories.   By Sally Wadyka for MSN Health & Fitness    To read in more detail visit my blog:


They keep track of their weight They exercise regularly They don't solve problems with food  They stop eating when they're full  They don't surround themselves with temptation  They allow themselves treats  They eat breakfast  They move, stand and fidget more   They don't skip meals    

Open RNY 3/27/01  400 lbs - 170lb.  Please visit my blog at www.gingerrock.blogspot.comYou can also find me on facebook www.facebook.com/GingerRock and Twitter www.twitter.com/GingerRock 

on 9/30/09 10:13 am - Madison, TN
Thanks for posting.  I enjoyed the article....a few points in particular:

"You do have to cut back on calories if you want to stay thin, but it's about reassessing what you eat and being more sensible in your choices, not about a quick-fix, crazy diet." 

Thin people know how much they weigh, and they monitor that number by stepping on the scale frequently. It's not about a having an unhealthy fixation on that number on the scale, but it's a way to catch a 5-pound gain before it suddenly turns into a 20-pound gain.

"They allow themselves treat.  It's the opposite of the deprivation mentality that many overweight (but dieting) people espouse: Thin people let themselves eat what they crave, sometimes even indulging in a treat every day." 


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