Slow weight loss after surgery

on 9/27/09 4:27 am - Cookeville, TN
Am I doing something wrong? I went for my 5 week check up and after I weighted I was told that I'm not losing the weight as fast as everyone else. I'm eating mainly canned chicken, tuna every now and then when my stomach can handle it, lots of tilapia, eggs and cheese. But I guess I'm not getting enough exercise in?? I sit at a desk for a living. Although I try to take a break when I can and go outside for a walk. Dr. H said not to worry about it but when I look at everyone else's profile they are shedding the pounds much quicker. Don't get me wrong, I'm just happy to be losing the weight!! I just want to make sure I'm also doing everything I'm supposed to be doing. Any advice is apprecited.
Lisa Harris
on 9/27/09 4:58 am - Gallatin, TN
I was a slow loser and still am. As long as it's coming off don't worry about it! Do as much as you can to get the weight off but know that everyone is diffferent. Dr. H. told me the same thing. Nothing I did helped. I'm just a slow loser. Once I get back on track, i'm just hoping to start losing again....slow or fast.  Hang in there!

on 9/27/09 5:05 am - Cookeville, TN
Thanks I needed to hear that. I just thought something may be wrong.
Lisa Harris
on 9/27/09 5:03 am - Madison, TN
Are you following the rules that his office gave you?  If so, then you just keep doing what you are doing, follow the doc's advice.  You cannot guage your progress by others' progress.  I promise you, when you have a weight loss spurt, they will eventually be at a standstill, looking at you and wondering why they aren't losing so fast.  Hang in there.  It's hard.  But don't compare yourself.  It will happen.


on 9/27/09 5:07 am - Cookeville, TN
Yes, I'm following the rules from the book they gave me and talking to the nutritionist. Thanks for the advice, I needed it!
Lisa Harris
on 9/27/09 5:45 am
Stop looking at other people's loss and comparing it to yours!  Yeah, I know it's easier said than done and I'm guilty of doing it, too.  Let's make a deal...  no more comparisons!  High protein/low carbs, lots of fluids, and taking your vitamins?  Can't do much else more.

Good to see you posting.  I was wondering how you are, yet too lazy to PM you to ask. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 9/27/09 6:14 am - Cookeville, TN
Deal. Yes I've been doing all those things. I have also been having problems with getting severe cramps. Dr. H said you usually don't see that until after 3 months. He said its usually high fat foods that do that. But I'm eating canned chicken, grilled tilapia, tuna, cheese, eggs, turkey bacon, only using cooking spray, ff margarine, light mayo, etc. I try to eat regular chicken and I can't eat much of it without the feeling of it being stuck in my chest.
Lisa Harris
on 9/27/09 7:30 am - Monterey, TN
You should be proud of what you have done, and everyone has already given you some great advise, I just wanted to congratulate you on what you have accomplished so far!!!

Hope to see you soon!  Like maybe the next support group meeting at the hospital or K9's gathering on the 17th?


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on 9/28/09 11:42 am - Hermitage, TN
Typically the DS weight loss is slower than the RNY so I would not worry about it as long as you are loosing.    Are you eating white flour?  Are they just cramps or do they go along with gas?  I know it is TMI but honestly white flour tears me up - I can eat high fat foods with really no cramping. I dont kill myself with exercise either - I now walk up steps and down steps instead of the elevator and sit at a desk job too.  Your weight will come off - just make sure you are getting in your protien, fluids, and VITAMINS.   It seems a lot of DSer's have had bad labs lately (me included, my D,A, and K were low) so make sure you are taking them.  I recently upped my vits so now i take like 16 pills a day but you do what you have to do.  


Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)

on 9/29/09 12:02 pm - Cookeville, TN
Hello John,

Thanks for the great info. I don't eat any flour at all if I can help it. If I eat anything with fat in it, even things that are on the list of ok things in the book give me severe cramps and then I'm in the bathroom getting rid of the waste. There is some gas with it usually belching. Here's what I ate today and I got cramps and got sick today. I had a half of an omlet that had an egg, cheese, and turkey bacon in it. I did well with that. Then I had a tuna pouch mixed with light mayo and a couple of small dill pickles. Then an hour or so later, I was in the bathroom. Later for supper I had a bite of a veggie burger with cheese and a couple of pork rines and got sick again. Am I doing something wrong?? Oh and I am taking all my vitamins daily. After reading some of the other posts I started taking a little more vit. D.
Lisa Harris
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