Back from the hospital again...

(deactivated member)
on 9/18/09 1:41 am

Well yesterday started out by going back to Nashville. The past three days I have been unable to keep food down. Following by uncontrollable gurgling in my throat and hiccups. I called the doctor and they set me up right away to have a endoscopy and upper GI done.

Looks like my opening to my pouch over healed and was only 3mm. Therefore only very little food was getting through. While I was under anesthesia they did a balloon procedure to open it to 12mm. Once I was awake they sent me to radiology for the upper GI, had to drink the nasty stuff while they ran video if it was going down ok. All was well with that test.

From the hospital to the Dr. Dyers office, he told me about my pouch and that 5-10% of gastric bypass patients have to have that done. Ain't I the lucky one. Then he told me sometimes they have to do it more than once. Praying this was the first and last time for me.

He put me on 3 days of liquids, then one week of blended foods before going to stage 4 again.
I will just be happy to be able to eat and keep it down.

As for my last open incision he says it looks good and will probably finally close up next week.

Leg cramps- he said it is because of fluids. Drink...drink....drink...also my dietitian said to drink powerade zero that the electrolytes may help the cramps at night stop. 

Thankful I didn't have a leak, or something worse. God is in control.

on 9/18/09 2:06 am
i am glad they found what was wrong and got it fixed. hope you are better real soon you take care of yourself keep in touch. 
Former Elizabeth
on 9/18/09 2:27 am
Feel better soon!   I hope you're well on the way to 100% recovery with NO reoccurrences.


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

on 9/18/09 2:43 am - Nashville, TN

OK Mrswinslow...NO MORE ER VISITS!  You are suppose to be getting better, not getting worse!

Glad they got things corrected.  Dr Dyer is the best and you can;t go wrong with him!  Take care and get better, I mean it!

(deactivated member)
on 9/18/09 3:36 am
From your lips to God's ears!!

Doing alot better today. My fluids are going down alot better, got my walk in. And no more loud gurgling in my throat!! Have a good day everyone. Thanks for your encouragement.
on 9/18/09 3:37 am - Antioch, TN
on 9/18/09 10:19 am - OH
glad it wasn' anything worse and you are feeling better!  hang in here..the road started rough but will get smoother!
Lotsa hugs!
on 9/19/09 10:08 am - MT. JULIET, TN
OK, now that that is OVER, glad you are able get back on track!

2Corinthians 5:7
on 9/20/09 6:51 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Bless your heart, so glad that all is do'n alright now and you are back on the mend. Prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Myspace Comment: Good Luck 28
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