First Day back at work fast approaching- VENT

(deactivated member)
on 9/16/09 1:39 am - TN
I had surgery 8/31 and took 3 weeks off from work. Well in only a few short days, I have to go back.  Just a little back ground- I have worked there almost 8 years and since Feb, I was transferred to another department in another building with different work setting, different tasks and surrounded by women. NO men at all. A total change from the previous 7 years. Anyway I don't feel bonded to these co-workers. They just sit around stirring up stuff, gossiping, trying to get people fired. Not a very positive environment

Needless to say I didn't share my news of WLS with them. I don't really want to go back, but of course with the economy the way it is, I can't throw away my good benefits.

Did anyone else not share their surgery plans with co -workers? How was the return to work??
(deactivated member)
on 9/16/09 1:56 am - Sevierville, TN
I dont work myself but I've read about many others in your situation. Reality is they will eventually figure out that you had weight loss surgery no matter what you say to explain your weight loss. However, in your case, I understand your hesitancy if these women are vicious gossips. I usually advise people to just go ahead and tell and save themselves from lying, but these women dont sound like the kind of people you would want to share anything personal with. I wouldn't bring it up. Just do your job and ignore them as best you can. Personally, I dont know how long I could stay in an environment like that. I dont like to hear gossip. My own mother drives me crazy with it. I would probably lose my mind if I had to see her every day.
I really wish you the best when you go back. I'm sorry I dont have some good advice about how to handle the situation. I could probably only take so much and then would look for another job.
Good luck.
Susan J.
on 9/17/09 11:04 pm - Madison, TN

It sounds like you are working with a group of very immature females who I would not count on to be very supportive.

If I were you I would continue to keep my mouth shut about the surgery and just let them wonder. Just think of the service you will be doing them by giving them something to gossip about while you just sit there and smile. They are going to be green with envy as you shrink before their eyes and all they can do is speculate about how you are doing it.

Come here to post your successes and stresses and let us be your cheerleaders and support.

Yes, I do have an evil side...but she has a great sense of humor! LOL

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

(deactivated member)
on 9/21/09 11:53 am - TN
Well today was the big day. I walked in and was promptly ignored. Nobody really said anything to me all day. SO not only did they not miss me, they failed to welcome me back. Nice!!!

I did have a bit of nauseous feelings when someone brought in garlic bread, the space is so small  I just felt like I was suffocating! Then came the popcorn, fortunately I did not get sick. It did make me not want to eat my lunch, which was yogurt. I finally ate @ 3:30 and ate it all-first time! Normally I eat at 11:00... what a difference surgery makes.. LOL
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