Gallbladder Attack???

Barbara D.
on 9/14/09 10:02 pm - Mt. Juliet, TN
What a night!!!  Think I had a gallbladder attack last night but not sure.    Remember being told this is a problem for many RNY patients and some have to have surgery.  About 7:00pm I started feeling like I had really bad indigestion and it went downhill from there.  It hurt to breathe, touch the area below my right ribcage, plus I had dry heaves because there wasn't anything to throw up (TMI!!!)  The pain came and went until about 10:30pm.  Slept little and am exhausted this morning. 

For those of you who have had gallbladder problems does this sound like my problem?  I really don't have time for this.  My youngest granddaughter has the flu and I need to sit with her later today.  Also my niece is getting married a week from Friday.  If this is a gallbladder attack do they come and go?  Could it be months before I have another one?  Fortunately I already had an appointment scheduled with my PCP for this morning.  Sorry this is so long, just needed a sounding board this morning.

(deactivated member)
on 9/15/09 12:48 am
I had my gall bladder taken out a couple years ago. The pain came on in the middle of the night and it for me too was hard to breathe, move until it passed. It finally got worse one night I had cheesy breadsticks I thought I was going to die I was in so much pain. The pain was under my breasts, ribcage and I could feel it through my back.

Hope your PCP finds out what is wrong and determines if it is gall bladder or not. Will be praying for you.
Michael S.
on 9/15/09 7:57 am
Yep sounds like gallstone attack.

Anything can bring them on, but they have found that the following are more likely to bring them on:
High fat meals, or large meals.  In a person that has not had WLS, these would be the major issues.

I hope that your doctor appointment goes well.  They will likely do a CT scan, and they will be able to see the stones.  If you are having attacks, it will be likely that they will want to remove your gallbladder, but unless it is serious, it can be scheduled.  I would not wait that long to do it.

It is an out-patient surgery as it is done lap, and if there are no complications.

I was diagnosed with stones in 2001 and was able to wait 2 months from the time that I had the 2nd attack to surgery.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Barbara D.
on 9/15/09 8:59 am - Mt. Juliet, TN
Well gallbladder it is!!! Had an ultra sound today and it was confirmed.  Was out of town last week and tried to eat properly but didn't always succeed.  Ate at O'Charley's last night and had 5.5 oz of salmon and 1/2 order of brocolli.  Wouldn't think that would do it but maybe it was a build up from last week.  I usually don't eat much food when I'm home.  I get most of my protein using the liquid protein.

Hopefully I can put this surgery off for at least two weeks, but before my plastic surgery 11-2.  Hopefully tonight will not be a repeat of last night.

Barbara D.
on 9/18/09 4:42 am - Mt. Juliet, TN
Well it's official.  On Monday morning at 10:30 Dr. McDowell will be removing my gall bladder.  Please pray that he can remove it without an open incision because my niece is getting married that Friday and I want to be at her wedding upright and smiling!

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