Warning to Newbies
Pat, I was a little confused and dumbfounded when you posted on the Tennessee forum that people were pm'ing you and saying mean things... I didn't see anyone here on the TN forum that had responded in an unkind manner. It just left me scratching my head, asking "what? what's going on and why did she say that?"
So I went poking my nose probably where it didn't belong on over to the DS board and saw all the ruckus. You said there on that board that the folks on the Tennessee board had all been kind to you. I am glad to hear that, so it might have been in the best interest of our members here who have a desire to have harmony and be supportive the best way we know how to not have posted "Warning to Newbies" on our board. After all, we did not stir up the trouble... and we don't want it brought here, regardless of who started when, when, why and where... perhaps it is the best interest of all to drop the subject all together.... and for you to choose your surgeon in privacy so that you don't open up the public opinions as it seems that is what you did ask for prior.
This isn't a mean post in response to you, just an explanation of where we are coming from, not knowing what on earth has happened on other boards. What is there should be left there, not brought here.
So I went poking my nose probably where it didn't belong on over to the DS board and saw all the ruckus. You said there on that board that the folks on the Tennessee board had all been kind to you. I am glad to hear that, so it might have been in the best interest of our members here who have a desire to have harmony and be supportive the best way we know how to not have posted "Warning to Newbies" on our board. After all, we did not stir up the trouble... and we don't want it brought here, regardless of who started when, when, why and where... perhaps it is the best interest of all to drop the subject all together.... and for you to choose your surgeon in privacy so that you don't open up the public opinions as it seems that is what you did ask for prior.
This isn't a mean post in response to you, just an explanation of where we are coming from, not knowing what on earth has happened on other boards. What is there should be left there, not brought here.
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/09 10:17 am - KY
on 8/12/09 10:17 am - KY
Hi sweetie. My post on the TN board was done purely by accident. I thought I was posting on the DS surgery board. Everyone on the TN board was kind to me. I was trying to find out info on people's personal experiences about their surgeries and when i would mention I am having surgery with so and so, I would get private messages that some found fault with that person. Then i decided to go to someone else, the same thing happened. So, I realized I guess everybody will always have a complaint about a surgeon...maybe one person out there who didn't like something about a surgeon...but look, no surgeon is perfect. I should have based my original decision on my own research and not asked for further advice. Especially when I would get unsubstantiated comments...no basis at all. Dr. Houston is a very intelligent and super great surgeon, but SO is Dr. Husted as well as Dr. Greenbaum. I just had to stop listening to the few disgruntled people and make my own decision. Thanks, Pat
Responding here because I am not allowed to respond to her! 
"The boards are good as far as living a post op way of living, but not good in finding who is the best surgeon because of some people on here that want to send you false rumors."
Absolutely untrue. I found OH to be an excellent source of information in finding a surgeon.
When people talk about "swinging chickens", they do not mean Chicken Little.

"The boards are good as far as living a post op way of living, but not good in finding who is the best surgeon because of some people on here that want to send you false rumors."
Absolutely untrue. I found OH to be an excellent source of information in finding a surgeon.
When people talk about "swinging chickens", they do not mean Chicken Little.
SW 280 / GW 150 / CW 128.8
Reconstructive surgery, under construction!
Lower Body Lift - 12/14/2011 - Atlanta VA Medical Center
Brachioplasty & Mastopexy w/Augmentation - 03/14/2012 - Dr Marisa Lawrence
Reconstructive surgery, under construction!
Lower Body Lift - 12/14/2011 - Atlanta VA Medical Center
Brachioplasty & Mastopexy w/Augmentation - 03/14/2012 - Dr Marisa Lawrence
(deactivated member)
on 8/13/09 9:52 am - KY
on 8/13/09 9:52 am - KY
I DO think Houston is equally as talented as any other doctor. REALLY. I just have to find somebody that will change my pouch to a DS revision and those surgeons are very hard to find. I think Dr. Husted does it and maybe a few others. But, I know Houston is very very smart and he even emails you right back if you have a question about anything. He IS wonderful! I don't know why you think otherwise. i never said and never will say anything negative about any doc.
And you are comparing this to what? I know many others who have not felt at home when going for a check up or support group meeting at Centennial.
I happen to think my program at Baptist is the best program out there!
Still others feel Vanderbilt has the best program. See, it's all relevant.
This board has never been about "my program is better than your program". But I am seeing more and more posts with that tone to them and it bothers me.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I agree with Susan. We have worked LONG, HARD and FAST in trying to tear down discrimination. Yes, that is what it is. Discrimination... against programs and surgeons. Let me just say, that really hits a nerve because I am employed by one of these hospitals while having my surgery at another and also have successful dear friends from yet another program. There is no program in the Nashville area that is poor quality. I suffice it to say that they are all top notch. It makes me mad when I hear people claim one to be better than the other. I'm sorry but that just strikes a raw nerve because we have worked so hard to tear down those walls. They only bring judgement, condemnation, and shut others off from one another who come for SUPPORT. How to live the successful life as a postop. Not how to b*&^% about programs. My .049 cents.
And while I am at it. Let me just say:
Bama Bob - Vanderbilt. Goal? Yes. Successful Yes
Bob L - Vanderbilt. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
SusanJ - Baptist. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
Freddie - Baptist. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
Melinda - Centennial. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
And I can name countless others (but won't cause my memory lapses have just kicked in).
It's not "who did your surgery" or "what surgery did you have", its being healthier, living life in ways we could not do so before, enjoying life, and yes being thin is a great addition/benefit.
I think I strayed from the original post, and sorry. Not sure why I even got on this subject. Just an imortant one to me.
Bama Bob - Vanderbilt. Goal? Yes. Successful Yes
Bob L - Vanderbilt. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
SusanJ - Baptist. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
Freddie - Baptist. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
Melinda - Centennial. Goal? Yes. Successful? Yes
And I can name countless others (but won't cause my memory lapses have just kicked in).
It's not "who did your surgery" or "what surgery did you have", its being healthier, living life in ways we could not do so before, enjoying life, and yes being thin is a great addition/benefit.
I think I strayed from the original post, and sorry. Not sure why I even got on this subject. Just an imortant one to me.