Went back to work.
I went back to work today, I was off almost 5 weeks. I did just fine, I am really tired and going to bed early tonight.
I drank 3 protein drinks at work and just tried to eat a little bit of chicken. I was afraid I would get
sick. Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow, but maybe try to eat a little
more. I have found the more protein I drink, the better I feel .
Hope everyone else had a good day. I'm glad to be back a work, it's nice to
be active again.

sick. Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow, but maybe try to eat a little
more. I have found the more protein I drink, the better I feel .
Hope everyone else had a good day. I'm glad to be back a work, it's nice to
be active again.
Ronda S.
HW262//CW 122
5"6 Tall 140lbs lost !
on 7/6/09 3:41 pm
on 7/6/09 3:41 pm
Just don't overdo it, sweets. Unless you're talking about your brain. Lord, I thought mine would turn to mush until I got back to work. I felt too lousy to read or even watch TV, so no stimulus mentally at all. Early bedtime is good!
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet
I hope your 2nd day back is going well too. I too love my protien shakes and still drink about 1 a day, but when I was just a month out I was drinking more than that.
You are doing so well... I am so happy for you.
You are doing so well... I am so happy for you.
Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)