Good morning everybody,
Well it is just two weeks until the Retreat. Well actually only a week and 4 days. Are you getting EXCITED???
We sure are.
Wanted to make this announcement. It seems that the schedules these days for people are really tight. Taking a 3 day weekend is a hassle for so many.
The Committee has been mulling over some alternatives to try to accommodate those that can't come for the whole weekend.
We have decided to price EACH SESSION at $10. And the MEALS are $10. So if anyone would like to come for a session and or a meal that will be the price. PLEASE let us know by Wednesday the 15th of July so we can have enough time to add to t the MEAL COUNT and for some of the sessions, the speakers need a head count.
I hope that this arrangement will be able to accommodate more people to at least come and join us for part of the Retreat.
Remember the Double D's will be returning for the Karaoke session after the WESTERN THEME GRILL out.
Check out the website
for the schedule of speaker sessions.
2009 Losing To Live Committee
Well it is just two weeks until the Retreat. Well actually only a week and 4 days. Are you getting EXCITED???
We sure are.
Wanted to make this announcement. It seems that the schedules these days for people are really tight. Taking a 3 day weekend is a hassle for so many.
The Committee has been mulling over some alternatives to try to accommodate those that can't come for the whole weekend.
We have decided to price EACH SESSION at $10. And the MEALS are $10. So if anyone would like to come for a session and or a meal that will be the price. PLEASE let us know by Wednesday the 15th of July so we can have enough time to add to t the MEAL COUNT and for some of the sessions, the speakers need a head count.
I hope that this arrangement will be able to accommodate more people to at least come and join us for part of the Retreat.
Remember the Double D's will be returning for the Karaoke session after the WESTERN THEME GRILL out.
Check out the website
for the schedule of speaker sessions.
2009 Losing To Live Committee
Sound like so much fun. Wish I could be there. Have a blast!
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
If you were considering attending but just do not have it in your budget please contact me. Scholarships are available. This event is going to a wonderful weekend. Even if you can only attend one of the sessions I would encourage you to come out. The lineup of speakers is top notch. Dr Evelyn Frye, Pat Guy, David Griffin, Lesa Franklin, Valerie Nash, Dr Spaw, Dr Houston and Dr Westmoreland.
I look forward to seeing you there.
I look forward to seeing you there.
The Retreat begins tomorrow evening with Dr Evelyn Frye and just goes from there. I spoke with Dr Frye, Pat Guye, and Lesa Franklin yesterday and they are each very excited to participate in this event.
If you would like to just attend a single session please join us.
One question for you -----When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Look forward to seeing you there.