Good Morning, prayers & thoughts needed
Ok, so I don't know about everyone else's family but for the most part mine is overweight, I used to be the heaviest (even with two brothers) and now I'm NOT!!! BUT here is where I am asking for thoughts and prayers... my brother who is only 43 (two years older than me) is putting on weight, and is having a very difficult time moving around and if he sits too long he can't seem to get his knees moving again...
I finally approached him with the idea of weight loss surgery, he did not immediately shut the idea off, but neither did he really seem to go for it. I need those thoughts and prayers sent up and out that he will seriously consider and even pursue it!
I even have told him as much as I loved my old doctor and Vandy, that I would recommend Centennial too if his insurance didn't cover Vandy. I don't know enough about the other hospitals in Nashville / Knoxville to give him a recommendation.
I shared the link to these boards and told him it wasn't just a surgery for women, that men have it too, and if he had any questions to post them here.
He is the brother I turn to, and I need to have him around!!! I am saying my prayers, but ya'll are so wonderful and so supportive I knew I could turn to you for support, thoughts and prayers too.
Thank you so much for your time and prayers!
I finally approached him with the idea of weight loss surgery, he did not immediately shut the idea off, but neither did he really seem to go for it. I need those thoughts and prayers sent up and out that he will seriously consider and even pursue it!
I even have told him as much as I loved my old doctor and Vandy, that I would recommend Centennial too if his insurance didn't cover Vandy. I don't know enough about the other hospitals in Nashville / Knoxville to give him a recommendation.
I shared the link to these boards and told him it wasn't just a surgery for women, that men have it too, and if he had any questions to post them here.
He is the brother I turn to, and I need to have him around!!! I am saying my prayers, but ya'll are so wonderful and so supportive I knew I could turn to you for support, thoughts and prayers too.
Thank you so much for your time and prayers!
Amy, one way for him to "dip his toe in the water" would be to attend the Men's group. It did't meet this month because it fell on the holiday, the next meeting will be Saturday, August 1st at 10 a.m. in our classroom at 2200 Murphy Avenue. That way he could ask questions in a small group of just guys. This is a link to a great article from the OAC about how to talk to a loved one about their weight
Pam Davis, Certified Bariatric Nurse, Bariatric Program Director
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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We sure would!
Both of my sisters - in - law have been considering surgery for years! This past year at Thanksgiving, there were less than 20 people in the room, two considering surgery - one bypass, one band and a third thinking about it and me. I spent half the day in the kitchen doing mini seminars individually, finally when all three of them realized they were each thinking about it, they really seemed to click! I know you absolutely can't push someone - they have to be ready to do this for them, no one else. It's great that he has you as a resource!
Both of my sisters - in - law have been considering surgery for years! This past year at Thanksgiving, there were less than 20 people in the room, two considering surgery - one bypass, one band and a third thinking about it and me. I spent half the day in the kitchen doing mini seminars individually, finally when all three of them realized they were each thinking about it, they really seemed to click! I know you absolutely can't push someone - they have to be ready to do this for them, no one else. It's great that he has you as a resource!
Pam Davis, Certified Bariatric Nurse, Bariatric Program Director
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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on 7/5/09 2:48 am
on 7/5/09 2:48 am
There is a men's forum here on OH, but from what I've read they really want to keep it a Men's Club. You could read, but might be met with hostility if you try to post. I can't say that I really fault them for wanting a place where they can be free from fashion, pedicures, etc. topics and just talk about "guy" stuff. We have some great guys here on the TN board who might be able to offer you some insight on how to approach your brother. I have 2 and bascially pretty clueless as to how to talk to them.
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet
Denise M.
on 7/5/09 11:17 pm
on 7/5/09 11:17 pm
You planted the seed, Amy. Now you have to let him nurture it.
I used to adamantly be against WLS, then I saw myself in the mirror, sitting down at 270#. That was it. I was sick of it, sick of hurting, sick of insulating myself from life with my fat. We have to get to that point on our own. I realized that WLS was an available tool and after countless times of trying to do it on my own, I needed to try something else.
Be there for him, live by example and hopefully he will see that there are options for him and that he does not need to live that way. In pain.
Like everyone else here, I only wish I had done it sooner!!!
Give him a hug for me.
And here's one for you:
You're such a sweetheart, Amy! I hope he knows how lucky he is to have you as a sister!!!
I used to adamantly be against WLS, then I saw myself in the mirror, sitting down at 270#. That was it. I was sick of it, sick of hurting, sick of insulating myself from life with my fat. We have to get to that point on our own. I realized that WLS was an available tool and after countless times of trying to do it on my own, I needed to try something else.
Be there for him, live by example and hopefully he will see that there are options for him and that he does not need to live that way. In pain.
Like everyone else here, I only wish I had done it sooner!!!
Give him a hug for me.
And here's one for you:

Ya'll are all so wonderful, my brother and I seem closer now than we have in years after our talk, but at this time, he is still reluctant.
I think it is more of a phobia of hospitals, which I'm going to continue that he will get past and see the real benefits of getting healthy.
Please continue to think and pray for my brother, Bob!
Thank you!

Please continue to think and pray for my brother, Bob!
Thank you!