Happy Father's Day!!!
Dads, Granddads, Papas, Uncles, the "your like a Dad to me" men, really any men who take an active interest in the lives of children, should be celebrated today and everyday!
Coming from experience, I have a GREAT Dad, which makes him a WONDERFUL Papa to Connor, but there are other men whom we will be celebrating today who are helping me teach Connor to be a good man!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
I want to say "Happy Father's Day" to the pops of the OH board... I will probably forget a few, but here are the ones I can think of:
Bob L
Bama Bob
To all of you men, thank you for sharing your lives with us here. We know you have your own "men's forum" yet you choose to hang out here too! Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Bob L
Bama Bob
To all of you men, thank you for sharing your lives with us here. We know you have your own "men's forum" yet you choose to hang out here too! Hope you all have a wonderful day.
I want to get on this train too. There are good dads and then there are men who inspire the young men around them by example. They are so important in the lives of so many children who need to see a positive example.
My hat is off to each and every one of you on fathers day and EVERY day of the year. Children need role models today more than ever before. THANKS!
My hat is off to each and every one of you on fathers day and EVERY day of the year. Children need role models today more than ever before. THANKS!