when will i be able to drink a diet coke
i am 3 weeks out from rny and i am dying to have a diet coke. when will i be able to have one and why cant i have one now, i am so tired of water , crystal light and powerade zero. i need something to drink with some taste and substance. help...........
also i have been eating tuna , egg salad , string cheese and carbmasters yogurt like i am supposed to, but i have had 2 half dollar sized fried squash, ate half a piece of pizza but only ate the toppings, also had 2 deviled eggs and i have not got sick with any of these foods, due you guys or gals think that i am not a dumper? thanks jason
also i have been eating tuna , egg salad , string cheese and carbmasters yogurt like i am supposed to, but i have had 2 half dollar sized fried squash, ate half a piece of pizza but only ate the toppings, also had 2 deviled eggs and i have not got sick with any of these foods, due you guys or gals think that i am not a dumper? thanks jason
Jason I guess it depends how much your committed to a new healthier life style. I was a Diet Coke junk before WLS at which time I was told that I never could have soda so I gave it up and at 14 months out haven't had one or desire one. As far as fried squash or fried anything I'm surprised this early out (I was on puree) that your pouch could handle the grease, still don't eat fried foods. I'm surprised at the list of things you've eaten that you haven't been sick? I would think your WLS team provided you with their food protocol anything else I feel is reckless. Anyhow with WLS it's a individual choose on how you want to move forward and quickly you wish to loose weight. What ever you decide good luck. C'ya Bob
Hmmm so many different answers could be given here. I guess the thing that worries me most is that you are asking whether we think you dum*****t. At 3 weeks out, you should have the fear of the dump god in you... so that you will stay very far away from stuff (grease) that could possibly get you to dumping. You do not want to even TEST the waters at this early stage.
Let's say you don't dump. You have just lost a very big benefit of the RNY. Many/most of us use(d) the dumping mechanism as a means of staying clear of sweets and grease. So if you live your wls life knowing you don't dump and can go back to those old foods, boy you are in trouble.
I would say, Stick to the plan Dr. Olsen gave you. I know grease and Diet Coke is not on his list. Sorry if that sounds harsh. But you are just too early to be asking these questions.
Let's say you don't dump. You have just lost a very big benefit of the RNY. Many/most of us use(d) the dumping mechanism as a means of staying clear of sweets and grease. So if you live your wls life knowing you don't dump and can go back to those old foods, boy you are in trouble.
I would say, Stick to the plan Dr. Olsen gave you. I know grease and Diet Coke is not on his list. Sorry if that sounds harsh. But you are just too early to be asking these questions.
You are kidding, right? I hope so. 
Without trying to suppress the desire and exercising some self control, you are going to have problems. I hope you take this as constructive criticism, but I feel the need to give a little tough love here.
Why did you have the surgery if you are not willing to follow the rules? What did you hope to accomplish? The answer to your question is NEVER. Even if you are not a dumper...you should stay away from foods that should make you dump. They are not good for you.
(Shaking my head and wondering)

Without trying to suppress the desire and exercising some self control, you are going to have problems. I hope you take this as constructive criticism, but I feel the need to give a little tough love here.
Why did you have the surgery if you are not willing to follow the rules? What did you hope to accomplish? The answer to your question is NEVER. Even if you are not a dumper...you should stay away from foods that should make you dump. They are not good for you.
(Shaking my head and wondering)
There are several reason on why you should not ever have a diet coke again. For one reason is the carbonation in diet coke. If you've ever shook up a can of pop then you've seen all the pressure that diet coke is under. This is why when people drink beer and pop that they belch, all related to the carbonation and the extra air it causes in your stomach. I'm sure you can imagine what that carbonation will do to your new stomach, if you can't, then let me tell you, it can and will stretch your new stomach out very much, not what you want if you want to be successful with this surgery. Another reason you should not drink diet coke is some of it's ingredients, here are a list of just some of it's ingredients and what there other uses are.
Diet Coke:
• Carbonated water
• Caramel color
• Aspartame (sweetner with concerns over the effects of it's long term use)
• Phosphoric acid ( used as a rust remover and in dental etching, also has been linked to lower bone density and kidney problems)
• Potassium benzoate (preservative which is considered a mild irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes, also can form benzene, a known carcinogen, when mixed with ascorbic acid (vitamin C))
• Natural flavors
• Citric acid (mild acid, used in stop baths for photography developing, used in the process of stainless steel passivation, also is considered to be a skin and eye irritant, also show that excessive consumption can and may erode tooth enamel)
• Caffeine (stimulant, found that long term can impair broad-range thinking, learning and long-term memory, while increasing short-term memory and focused thought)
These are some fairly harsh chemicals, specifically phosphoric acid that I do not want in my body, even in the smallest doses, along with the long term effects that may result from their use. I'm sure there are alot of foods that we all eat that have some of these in it, but diet coke is one that has no nutritional value and you and I frankly don't need. And as well, not anything that a stomach that is trying to heal would need to be subjected to. This is a product that the FDA has approved to be sold in the US, but that doesn't make it necessarily safe for people over long term use, so use your head and leave this one out of your diet.
Diet Coke:
• Carbonated water
• Caramel color
• Aspartame (sweetner with concerns over the effects of it's long term use)
• Phosphoric acid ( used as a rust remover and in dental etching, also has been linked to lower bone density and kidney problems)
• Potassium benzoate (preservative which is considered a mild irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes, also can form benzene, a known carcinogen, when mixed with ascorbic acid (vitamin C))
• Natural flavors
• Citric acid (mild acid, used in stop baths for photography developing, used in the process of stainless steel passivation, also is considered to be a skin and eye irritant, also show that excessive consumption can and may erode tooth enamel)
• Caffeine (stimulant, found that long term can impair broad-range thinking, learning and long-term memory, while increasing short-term memory and focused thought)
These are some fairly harsh chemicals, specifically phosphoric acid that I do not want in my body, even in the smallest doses, along with the long term effects that may result from their use. I'm sure there are alot of foods that we all eat that have some of these in it, but diet coke is one that has no nutritional value and you and I frankly don't need. And as well, not anything that a stomach that is trying to heal would need to be subjected to. This is a product that the FDA has approved to be sold in the US, but that doesn't make it necessarily safe for people over long term use, so use your head and leave this one out of your diet.
Kenny - Facebook or view my blog — krcoffman.blogspot.com
HW 340/SW 297/CW 170/GW 190 — Start of Program Weight 315
HW 340/SW 297/CW 170/GW 190 — Start of Program Weight 315

Right now, I just wanna hug you. I, too would LOVE a good fountain coke and would probably sell my soul for some deep fried sesame chicken with that sweet sauce and lots of fried rice, but I know that is EXACTLY what got me to 325 pounds.
When I signed up for this surgery, I knew that there would be things that I would have to give up. This was the commitment that I had to make to get to a healthy weight and have a healthy body. We have all heard this time and time again that this isn't a quick fix and it is just a tool but it is a cliche for a reason. There is total truth to this. If you want the same results, do the same things. If you want different results, you will have to change your lifestyle. Coke and sesame chicken (well, at least not THAT version) no longer fit into my lifestyle and unfortunately for you, diet Coke, fried zuchinni and pizza should no longer fit into yours unless you want to be in the exact same boat you are in right now.
Take this opportunity to make a list. Write down all of the expectations that you have with this surgery. Write down the reasons that you chose to put your body through this long and serious operation and grueling recovery period. Write down your goals - what you want to do, be, FEEL when you are "skinny". Really examine this list and you may even want to take this list to your therapist and talk about it.
My biggest fear is that with the road you are heading down, you are going to be another statistic of someone who the surgery "didn't work" for. Three weeks is early. There is still time to fix these things. The physical part is already in place. Now, get the mental part in place.
FYI... dumping is usually associated with the sugar aspect of this. Hubby dumped off of fats at the beginning too. As Mel said, you should live in fear of the dumping gods right now BUT if you want to test it, go have something with about 25 grams of sugar in it. You will VERY quickly learn if you dum*****t and that may just be what you need to make sure that you fear the dump gods.
good luck and we're here for all the support you need!
Right now, I just wanna hug you. I, too would LOVE a good fountain coke and would probably sell my soul for some deep fried sesame chicken with that sweet sauce and lots of fried rice, but I know that is EXACTLY what got me to 325 pounds.
When I signed up for this surgery, I knew that there would be things that I would have to give up. This was the commitment that I had to make to get to a healthy weight and have a healthy body. We have all heard this time and time again that this isn't a quick fix and it is just a tool but it is a cliche for a reason. There is total truth to this. If you want the same results, do the same things. If you want different results, you will have to change your lifestyle. Coke and sesame chicken (well, at least not THAT version) no longer fit into my lifestyle and unfortunately for you, diet Coke, fried zuchinni and pizza should no longer fit into yours unless you want to be in the exact same boat you are in right now.
Take this opportunity to make a list. Write down all of the expectations that you have with this surgery. Write down the reasons that you chose to put your body through this long and serious operation and grueling recovery period. Write down your goals - what you want to do, be, FEEL when you are "skinny". Really examine this list and you may even want to take this list to your therapist and talk about it.
My biggest fear is that with the road you are heading down, you are going to be another statistic of someone who the surgery "didn't work" for. Three weeks is early. There is still time to fix these things. The physical part is already in place. Now, get the mental part in place.
FYI... dumping is usually associated with the sugar aspect of this. Hubby dumped off of fats at the beginning too. As Mel said, you should live in fear of the dumping gods right now BUT if you want to test it, go have something with about 25 grams of sugar in it. You will VERY quickly learn if you dum*****t and that may just be what you need to make sure that you fear the dump gods.
good luck and we're here for all the support you need!
Denise M.
on 6/21/09 10:55 am
on 6/21/09 10:55 am
Mmmmm, sesame chicken!
I will try to remember to bring a copy of my favorite recipe for sesame chicken to Thursday's support group meeting. The stats are 265 calories, 30g protein, 22g carbs, 6g fat. That's making the sauce with sugar. I'll have to play around and see if the sauce can be made with splenda or a splenda blend to get the carbs down. Post op me blanches at the thought of 22g carb in a single meal! YIKES!
You can serve this with fresh, stir fried veggies (stir fry = Pam spray) like red peppers, snow peas and mushrooms. Maybe even broccoli if you can tolerate it.
I want to say I heard we'll get to use the demo kitchens at the health and wellness center (Dayani) once it opens next year. Wouldn't it be fun to have a cooking class integrated into the support meeting every once in awhile?
As for Jason, I feel for you. You have a tough road ahead. Any WLS requires a huge change in your attitude towards food and I'm surprised that this wasn't drilled into your head prior to surgery. Yeah, we all have our moments where we don't make the best choices, but fried squash at 3 weeks out and looking forward to your first diet Coke does not bode well for long term success.
Head hunger is constantly bugging me, prodding me to revert to old behaviors. It's my job to bop it upside the head and drive it into submission. I don't always win, but I win a whole heck of a lot more than I did prior to surgery. Now there are consequences to not winning that battle. I don't like negative consequences, so I am more driven to win.
Personally, I've encountered the occasional person in a support group that has either not paid attention to the pre-op classes or has a fine case of selective hearing. I'm not sure how the surgical clinic staffers don't pick up on this and postpone surgery. My dietician (hey Jessica!) said she would not hesitate to rat on me to my surgeon if I was pulling some cra*****t getting it.
These are going to be the same people that will be complaining on these boards about how they only lost 20 lbs or how they gained all their weight back. I am faaaar from perfect. But carbonated beverages are on my Never Again list.
Today, I went to my parents' for father's day. I ended up drinking my entire giant bottle (1L) of crystal light after playing on my scooter in the driveway with the dogs. All my parents had was diet Pepsi! Finally, I found a non-carbonated Lipton Green Tea hidden in the fridge. It was that or nothing (I do NOT do M'boro tap water thank you very much!). Note to self: take two huge bottles of crystal light when going to my parents house so I'm not caught in that boat again!
Take home message: weight loss surgery is not a cure. It's a tool. And how you choose to use your tool is your business. You will get out exactly what you put into it.
I will try to remember to bring a copy of my favorite recipe for sesame chicken to Thursday's support group meeting. The stats are 265 calories, 30g protein, 22g carbs, 6g fat. That's making the sauce with sugar. I'll have to play around and see if the sauce can be made with splenda or a splenda blend to get the carbs down. Post op me blanches at the thought of 22g carb in a single meal! YIKES!
You can serve this with fresh, stir fried veggies (stir fry = Pam spray) like red peppers, snow peas and mushrooms. Maybe even broccoli if you can tolerate it.
I want to say I heard we'll get to use the demo kitchens at the health and wellness center (Dayani) once it opens next year. Wouldn't it be fun to have a cooking class integrated into the support meeting every once in awhile?
As for Jason, I feel for you. You have a tough road ahead. Any WLS requires a huge change in your attitude towards food and I'm surprised that this wasn't drilled into your head prior to surgery. Yeah, we all have our moments where we don't make the best choices, but fried squash at 3 weeks out and looking forward to your first diet Coke does not bode well for long term success.
Head hunger is constantly bugging me, prodding me to revert to old behaviors. It's my job to bop it upside the head and drive it into submission. I don't always win, but I win a whole heck of a lot more than I did prior to surgery. Now there are consequences to not winning that battle. I don't like negative consequences, so I am more driven to win.
Personally, I've encountered the occasional person in a support group that has either not paid attention to the pre-op classes or has a fine case of selective hearing. I'm not sure how the surgical clinic staffers don't pick up on this and postpone surgery. My dietician (hey Jessica!) said she would not hesitate to rat on me to my surgeon if I was pulling some cra*****t getting it.
These are going to be the same people that will be complaining on these boards about how they only lost 20 lbs or how they gained all their weight back. I am faaaar from perfect. But carbonated beverages are on my Never Again list.
Today, I went to my parents' for father's day. I ended up drinking my entire giant bottle (1L) of crystal light after playing on my scooter in the driveway with the dogs. All my parents had was diet Pepsi! Finally, I found a non-carbonated Lipton Green Tea hidden in the fridge. It was that or nothing (I do NOT do M'boro tap water thank you very much!). Note to self: take two huge bottles of crystal light when going to my parents house so I'm not caught in that boat again!

Take home message: weight loss surgery is not a cure. It's a tool. And how you choose to use your tool is your business. You will get out exactly what you put into it.
I too am going to be "mean".
You need to put it to your mind that soda is no longer part of your life. There is nothing in it that your body needs or wants.
I heard that WLS patients that reintroduce soda back into their diet (even "diet" soda) are 80% more likely to gain their weight back.
Why would you go through this whole journey and then sabato**** with something that you don't even need, just want.
If you want the caffeine, drink unsweet tea (but stick to ONE 20 oz serving per day at the most, and that will NOT count towards your fluid for the day).
Please, please, PLEASE - DO NOT START WITH SODA, it is NOT worth it!
I was a huge soda drinker, regular soda at that! I did not stop drinking soda till two weeks before my surgery. I've not wanted one since and have no desire to get one.
I drink mostly Crystal lite. You may be getting bored with the flavors that you have. Try some new flavors. I'm currently drink the Apple flavor that is only sold at Walmart (it is the Walmart brand). Tastes just like Apple juice.
Sorry, but you should never have soda again. PEROID!
You need to put it to your mind that soda is no longer part of your life. There is nothing in it that your body needs or wants.
I heard that WLS patients that reintroduce soda back into their diet (even "diet" soda) are 80% more likely to gain their weight back.
Why would you go through this whole journey and then sabato**** with something that you don't even need, just want.
If you want the caffeine, drink unsweet tea (but stick to ONE 20 oz serving per day at the most, and that will NOT count towards your fluid for the day).
Please, please, PLEASE - DO NOT START WITH SODA, it is NOT worth it!
I was a huge soda drinker, regular soda at that! I did not stop drinking soda till two weeks before my surgery. I've not wanted one since and have no desire to get one.
I drink mostly Crystal lite. You may be getting bored with the flavors that you have. Try some new flavors. I'm currently drink the Apple flavor that is only sold at Walmart (it is the Walmart brand). Tastes just like Apple juice.
Sorry, but you should never have soda again. PEROID!