Need a hotel in Nashville HELP
I use to be on the TN Board everyday, however after months of fighting with AT&T, I have internet again with Comcast, so you may not know me!! However, I have lived in Nashville all my life and if you want to be close to things the Opryland area has many, many things to do, but that area cane be pricey. If you do not want to pay the amount that rooms in that area quote then consider the Airport area, Opryland is not far and very easy to get around, because it is just down I-40 West then exit onto Briley Pkwy and you are in the Opryland area. Nice shopping at Opry Mills filled with many stores, and dining options or you could also choose to go to the Opryland/Gaylord hote, it is very beautiful inside. I have lived in Nashille all my life and still enjoy seeing it. Hope this information helps!!