Jack in the Box - Grilled Chicken Strips - YUM!

Doriam R.
on 10/19/17 6:44 pm - Austin, TX
VSG on 07/12/17

I think that is really awesome!!

on 6/15/09 11:06 am, edited 6/15/09 11:08 am - Madison, TN
But then again... I guess i should also add that I eat out of a hospital cafeteria everyday too! OH LORD!  Now that is an entirely different subject all together!  

And also, want to add that I got really tricked on the stats of cole slaw that I ordered with my grilled chicken at Chickfila.  I have not ordered it since!  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice?  Shame on me!


Pam E.
on 6/15/09 11:11 am, edited 6/15/09 11:14 am - Hermitage, TN
I will add that one to my list of "legal" fastfood.

Most days I try to either cook or eat at non-fast food kind of place ...but I do have my "legal" items at various places.... most days I bring my "Healthy Choice" to work with me. 

Wendy's chili - small
KFC - grilled chicken breast -- good stats
Taco bell -- Fresco chicken burrito -  around 300 calories -if you get beans instead of rice
....never get fries or drinks or anything like that....always get question...no drink? 

can't really think of many more....but I don't go to a fast food place without knowing there is something with decent stats.   The idea is to have a plan on those occassions. 

....okay and this one isn't "fast food" but if you like pizza -- South Beach has some really good frozen pizza -- I can mostly find them at publix ... around 300 cal. and 30g Protein.....try finding any other pizza with those stats ---and it's good - really pizza.  Deluxe is my fav. 

*gasp* evidently P I Z Z A is a 'bad" word....


on 6/15/09 12:31 pm, edited 6/15/09 12:32 pm - Madison, TN
During the three months that we were remodeling the house, and working like dogs trying to get it ready...  we ate out on Saturdays for breakfast and lunch.  Many times I ordered a sausage egg mcmuffin with cheese for breakfast, minus the bread.  Mcdonalds does have that on their menu and a key that lets them say "w/o mcmuffin".  Looks like there are others too who order it with no bread!  I haven't ordered this since we moved into the house.  It's not something that I really like to do on a regular occasion.  Before surgery, I used to eat 2 saus.egg mcmuffins and drink 2 milks.  Gone are those days for sure, thank goodness!

Lunches were at Cici's Pizza. Sometimes we dined in, other times I picked up a bunch of pizzas cause we had so many folks at the house to feed.   I scraped toppings off the pizza crusts.  I did find out that you can ask for a low carb pizza, and they will put all the toppings you want into a metal pan and send it through the oven.  We don't go there anymore...  every once in a blue moon when I am craving pizza, we will but other than that, nope.


on 6/15/09 12:52 pm - Monterey, TN
Wow..  I am going to have to try these...  I've not been brave enough to try the KFC grilled, KFC and my stomach did not agree with each other BEFORE surgery, so not willing to try it with the band yet, but I think I'm going to try these...

Thanks for the tip!

                               Adopted by Centennial 1/27/2010    
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(deactivated member)
on 6/16/09 12:32 am - Nashville, TN

Michael was right about being careful what you put in your mouth from Fast Food places. This is going to sound gross, but this morning I had a "laxative" effect (18 hours later) from eating those chicken strips. They were either too greasy or were cooked in the same slop as the burgers, etc.

I didn't "dump" from it, but had a very unpleasant bathroom experience this morning.

I'm not saying it will happen to you, but BE CAREFUL! Oh, and sorry for recommending something that may not be as wonderful as I first thought. Maybe you guys will be able to eat them with no problem.

on 10/18/17 7:41 pm

These sweet things are just what you need this week. Smoky grilled chicken breasts pair perfectly with peach salsa. Fruit and meat really were made to go together, and this recipe proves it! You can use freshly peeled and chopped peaches or frozen, prepared ones, depending on how much time you have. While the confection-like fruit mixture is simmering on the stove, you can switch gears and grill up the chicken. Spoon a bit of the sauce over each piece of chicken before you serve it. Yum!

on 6/17/09 9:25 am - Nashville, TN
Jack in the Box uses "Flash" on their grilled chicken and some WLS patients are very sensitive to it. It is a spray they put on to make it look shiny.  It makes me horribly sick. 

Not only do fast food restaurants use flash but so do some sit-down restaurants.  They use it on chicken and fish.  If you have problems with getting sick eating out make sure when you tell them you want your chicken/fish plain you make sure that includes any oil/spray.

Lap RNY - August 12, 2008 - 365/340/193/175
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