Jack in the Box - Grilled Chicken Strips - YUM!

(deactivated member)
on 6/15/09 2:52 am - Nashville, TN
Jack in the Box (4 naked grilled chicken strips)   Calories: 177 Fat: 2 Carbs: 3 Sugars: 2 Protein: 37
So I have been hearing about Jack in the Box and their new Grilled Chicken Strips, so I went there for lunch today. I was thinking that I would get (4) normal sized chicken tenders like most other fast food restaurants.

Boy was I pleasantly surprised....

The (4) chicken strips were the size of almost (2) full boneless chicken breasts! I easily can make two meals out of it. PLUS, the "strips" (they are more like mini chicken breasts) were flavored perfectly and were juicy and moist. My pouch loved them!

(don't I sound like a former FOOD addict with my descriptions?)

Seriously... if you have a Jack in the Box near you, go check this out. It's a great "meal on the go" and great stats too!
on 6/15/09 4:05 am
I have had these before surgery. They are yummy thats for sure!



Michael S.
on 6/15/09 4:48 am
I know that these have good stats, but you want to be careful about eating out at a fast food place.

We still need to be careful about what is still put in our bodies.  think of it this way:

I know that I got fat by eating at these places.  Most of the time you do not know what is put in the food, how much sugar, etc.  Did you know that most fast food places use sugar to coat the fries to make them cook up golden brown?

This is extra "stuff" that is added to your food.

Just a thought, I would be more careful and make sure that you know EXACTLY what you are eating.  I know for me, that fast food was bad then, I don't want to reintroduce those bad habits again.

(I'm not perfect tho either... I've eaten at a fast food place since surgery, but on very rare conditions.  I would rather either take my lunch to work, or eat at a more healthyful place then fast food)

This is just me though, to each their own!

on 6/15/09 5:19 am - Madison, TN
I eat out almost every day of my life.  I don't cook.  But there are choices that you can get at a restaurant that are healthier.  I try to always follow these rules:

1.  Get grilled, no breading (once, I got chicken mcnuggets and picked off all the breading, and found out real quick just exactly how much chicken is NOT in those suckers!)
2.  Get low calorie dressing but do not use very much
3.  stay away from sauces (both red sauces, heavy sweet sauces, and also creamy milky sauces, as they have lots of calories)
4.  Pick off the croutons from the salad
5.  Order with no bun, no bread or pick it off and throw it away so you are not tempted by it
6.  Do not order your own fries.  IF you are desperate, get a few from your friend because if you do get them, even if free with your meal, they are too tempting

I know people will not believe this, but I lost almost all my weight eating at restaurants, and I still today eat out very often at restaurants.  BUT, I must say that I do not go through fast foods or eat in fast food restaurants so I don't specifically know about all of their stuff.  If in doubt, visit their website and check out the stats.


Michael S.
on 6/15/09 6:10 am
Eating at a fast food place, and eating at a sit down restaurant are very different.

There is nothing wrong with either as long as you are making good choices.  Please don't get me wrong.

I just think that we have to be careful about eating at FAST FOOD as there are hidden ingredients that we should be careful of.

Again, like I said to each their own.  If you find something that works, that is great!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/15/09 6:39 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks for the tip. I agree that a sit down restaurant is a much safer choice than a fast food joint. Fast Food was never meant to be healthy. I'll keep a close eye on it and if these chicken strips cause any type of 'stall' I won't get them anymore. But for a quick and easy 'on the go' lunch (when I dont have time to bring a bag lunch to work) hopefully these will be an occasional substitute.

Thanks for all the input everyone. =)
on 6/15/09 11:01 am, edited 6/15/09 11:05 am - Madison, TN
Michael yes that is a good point.  You know, when I go to a fast food, it better be for a great reason or else, its just not worth it.  I always have this tinge of ill easedness when I have to get a burger at a fast food place.  It is not good tasting to me.  Nor does it quench my desire to eat something good.  Now go to a Logans or Longhorns and you know that is going to be some good hamburger meat. 

We eat out a lot.  But mostly, we eat Chili's, Longhorn, and Genghi's grill. On Friday evenings we eat at Buffalo Wild Wings but that is mostly for the social occasion and not for the food itself (though, I do like it).  I like the naked tenders but by the end of the day, I've got most of my protein in elsewhere so the low protein in the tenders can be tolerated since my day has already been planned.

We also go to Logans and used to go to O'Charleys but they changed their menu so much that I no longer like it there.

Fast food wise, I have eaten at wendys the most, then probably chickfila for their grilled chicken but to be honest, I am not really satisfied with their choices.  AND Tim hates fast food so we dont go much.

BUT may I also add here the importance of educating yourself before you eat at any restaurant!  If you are going to meet friends next week somewhere, call up that places website or the daily plate and research to see what is in their food.  Don't just blindly go to a place and assume that its good for you...  I was very suprised to find how many carbs were in a Chili's dish (which, I did not order...  but looks were deceiving).  


Ronda S.
on 6/15/09 5:35 am - Cookeville, TN

That sounds yummy...I didn't know anybody had grilled chicken strips!!
When I get to eat real food...I'll get some of those.


Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



on 6/15/09 5:54 am
Steve - thank you so much for this great tip! I have a Jack in the Box near my work, and it will really help me on days when I need something good for me. The stats on these are incredible for the portion size.

Barbara D.
on 6/15/09 7:57 am - Mt. Juliet, TN
This is good to know.  I'm leaving in the morning for a 3 day trip to Asheville NC with a group from my church.  We're going in 2 vans and space is very limited.  I will eat where they stop to eat on the trip up and back.  Fortunately this group is not keen on fast food.  I'm taking my powder and liquid protein in my purse so if all else fails I can make do with these.  I'm also taking a few protein bars.  During the days I'm hoping to have more choice for my meals as we will be in town where there should be restaurants close together.

I'm 11 months out and 90 lbs lost.  That may not sound like much but I'm pleased.  I've gone from 250 lbs. to 160 lbs.

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