5k......am I insane? (Anyone want to do this with me?!?)
Okay...I have officially lost my mind. I am sure of it. I think that this whole WLS-thing has gotten to my head & now I have really gone & done it.
It all started a few nights ago when I was looking for new shoes. A friend of mine suggested Fleet Feet in Brentwood (she is a personal trainer at the Franklin Y), because I have been walk/running most mornings & have worked up to walking a couple of miles & then running from 1/2 to 1 mile during my walks. That's been working well for me & I like working out from home because I like the kids to see me making physical fitness part of each & every day.
So, back to my craziness.....so, I go to Fleet Feet to find out about getting some really good walking/running shoes to protect my feet from injuries that you can get running on pavement. While I am on their website I see this:
Upcoming beginner 5k training
No Boundaries National Training Program
This Spring, join Fleet Feet Sports and New Balance to walk or run your first 5k. The program focuses on beginners, but all levels of walkers and runners are welcome. The program is structured to help you cross the finish line of your first 5k in less than three months. Along the way we'll be providing you with motivation to keep you moving, guidance and advice, weekly group training runs or walks, and educational clinics on topics such as proper nutrition, choosing the right gear, and avoiding injury. Plus, you'll have the camaraderie of others just like you.
Brentwood Fleet Feet: Did you miss out on our current No Boundaries training program? Don't let that stop you! We will start another round of training in August, in preparation for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Check out the Training page for more information on the No Boundaries couch to 5K program.
Plan to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, July 21st at 6:30 pm at the store to learn more about our 10-week training program.
The first group practice will take place on Tuesday, August 4 at 6:30 pm at the Fleet Feet store.
We'll get you motivated, inspired, and across the finish line!
So, of course, through a fog of 1am insanity I SIGN UP for this--see, this is why you shouldn't be on your computer at 1am just poking around.....normal people would be sleeping. But, in my exhaustion I decide this will be a great experience. WHAT??? I just had WLS 10 weeks ago...what am I doing?
I know that 5k is only 3.1 miles ("only" I say...ha! I haven't run that far since I was in my early 20s!)...and, I think I can muscle through it, but what really, really, really terrifies me is the weekly workouts with the other runners on Tuesday nights. It just reminds me of this horrible PE class I had in 5th grade where we had to run "the mile" & I was the slowest one...the PE coach was driving behind me in a golf cart yelling at me to keep running faster, but I was trying really, really hard & my right side was killing me. When we got to the finish line I couldn't stand up...the coach made me run another lap around the track...I did it, but when I finished I passed out, woke up in the hospital & found out that my appendics had burst and I was rushed to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. Fun, right?
Well, of course the run didn't cause that, but that PE coach terrified me. After high school I went on to run the Bay To Breakers Marathon in San Francisco because I just had to prove to myself that I could train & run that far (I know, baggage & issues from that dang coach, right?!?...lol)...so, I did it & that was the end of it. But now, here I am, 20 years later with something else to prove....the idea that I could go from weighing 293 pounds in March to running a 5k in October of the same year........oh my goodness.....what am I doing?
I sure hope when they say that this No Boundaries program is for all levels of fitness they really mean it!!
Anyone want to do this with me??? We practice for three months & then run The Race for the Cure in October. The informational seminar is On July 21st at 6:30pm in Brentwood & then we meet on Tuesday nights to "practice" (aka, realize that we are our own worst enemy & get the full notion of how insane we are!).....xo, ahhhhh......Micheala.
on 5/26/09 4:57 am

It sounds fun, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for running yet. Walking, oh yeah! Are you going to put your training to good use by doing the Walk from Obesity in September? I'm definitely going to do that and bring along some of the poochies. Oh. I guess THEY will need some conditioning. They usually start flagging at about half a mile. And they're way too heavy to carry.
I've been banned from walking, but I just started back today. I've been doing PT for my bursitis and the therapist said stop doing things that make you hurt. Waaah. Walking was making me hurt. It's been two weeks of therapy and I'm feeling better though my hip is still slightly sore. But without walking and my minimal restriction, my weight loss has stalled, so I'm looking forward to moving again.
I'm not sure about being able to go to practice (and what are they charging for it?) and have the same issues about team training as you! But I will definitely be your biggest cheerleader (aside from Tim) as you dash into this challenge!
Thanks Denise!! As always, you are the greatest cheerleader!!! I am not sure I am ready for this, either...lol...but, away I go. Being able to run again was one of my post-op goals, so I am hoping to be able to reach it.
I decided I have two goals for this first 5k run...first, not to come in last and second, not to stop running the entire time....we'll see how that goes!
I am tossing around the Walk in September, but Tim has a bunch of dates that month (not with girls....lol....music stuff, of course) and we usually travel w/him on the weekends, so I am trying to find out when we will be gone.....still up in the air.
How are you feeling since your fill? Do you still feel restriction at all? When is your next fill? Hang in there...you have already done a fantastic job!!! ttusoon, xo, M.
on 5/26/09 5:20 am
I've been feeling good since the fill, but the initial restriction seems to have worn off. Or I've eaten through it or something! I haven't been good with my food journaling the past two weeks and then going to dog shows out of town have further complicated things. Not being on a regular schedule and all.
I have been taking my own food (my favorite is provolone cheese with turkey breast, YUM), protein drinks and crystal light, so I'm doing pretty good. But I tend to eat more on the road than I do at home or at work.
OMG, my first dinner out with the dog crowd, we went to this Italian joint in Jackson. My vet's wife was sitting across from me eating breadsticks like she was a woodchipper! They smelled SO GOOD! But I behaved, had about half a cup of minestrone, about 3 oz of grilled chicken and a few bites of green beans. I did have a few spoons of dessert, but it was only okay and we passed it around the table to share with everyone.
This past weekend I went to Cracker Barrel with some ladies and got my regular Old Timer's breakfast. I took home HALF OF IT, which is UNHEARD OF for me!

At least now I am taking home half of every meal I eat out. That's good. I just need to not eat out too much. It's tough, being such the socialite and all!

My next fill is on the 17th and I can't wait. The restriction I had initially (but only in the mornings) was nice. A sign of things to come! I loved how I felt like I had eaten a big meal just by having coffee! Oh yeah! But obviously there's still a bit of tweaking to be done because I can easily consume a cup of food in one setting. So I'm still on 90% will power mode.
Now that I'm not going to any dog shows for awhile, it's back to basics with diligent journaling, the IDGOMB thread and eating healthy. Without the walking, my loss has stalled, but that's okay. It's part of the journey. But I'm going to start working out at the rehab gym just a few buildings over. I'm looking VERY forward to that so I can start some strength training. I can also use their bikes to tide me over until my hip is completely healed. I am glad that I'm not going to need a cortisone shot!
So all is well and I'm happy with how things are going. I've been getting lots of compliments from the dog show crew (my vet's wife told me the other day I was melting. I thought she was talking about the humidity! She meant she could really tell I had lost weight! DOH!) and from the gang at work. It definitely helps keep me going.
When are we gonna see some more pictures? You've lost at least another 15 since the last set, young lady!!! You're gonna zip right past me and the 220s in no time at all! Yaaaaaay, Micheala!!!
I don't know about "zipping" past you....lol....I would like to get to the 220s w/in the next five weeks because my niece has made the national championships in synchronized swimming (she's 12 & amazing) and their final meet is in Florida so we are going to meet my brother, sis-in-law & niece in Florida at Disney World the last week of June through July 4th....even though we talk all the time, I haven't seen them since my oldest was 1 (and she's six now!!)......
Funny...as I was typing this I just pulled my old Atkins journals...I had lost about 70 pounds in 2003, after Julianne was born, doing Atkins.....I wanted to see what I weighed the last time I saw my brother & I weighed 230 pounds...lol...that's exactly what I weigh right now!!! So, the good news is that they will never have seen me at 293---not that they would care what I weigh, but it just makes me self-conscious. I do have to remember I have had three 10 pound babies in 6 years, so....I need to cut myself some slack. I am really hoping that I can drop 10 pounds in five more weeks before we go...that would put me at 220....still have to get to 155 to be at goal, but it would be nice to be in the 20s for the trip.
I am glad you are back on track & have such a great work out plan!! Yum...provolone & tukey breast sounds yummy...I will have to get some of that this week. I am always looking for something new that fits into the plan. I talked with Pam (the dietitian at Centennial) & told her I was getting bored with tuna, salmon, etc. & she suggested Boca Burgers & turkey meatballs.....they are going down really easy & have been a life saver lately.
OH MY GOODNESS....an Italian restaurant would be so hard....I love bread. My total downfall...I would be the most wood-chipperingest woman at the table.....I just love it. Would be perfectly happy (pre WLS) just having bread & a grilled chicken salad w/honey mustard everywhere I went. LOVE LOVE LOVE ...oh wait, LOVED LOVED LOVED bread......but it is funny now how we notice what other people are eating. I do that sometimes and have mixed feelings....part of me just thinks about how many carbs are in it & the other part is thinking that I should have had just one more piece before WLS because it is so yummy. You did so great there, though. Eating out is so hard. You are doing an amazing job of regulating yourself since you don't have a lot of restriction. The dessert is exactly why I had to have RNY---I just can't have it or I will dump---plus, the person to the left of me who should have had the dessert passed to them at the table would have hated me because I would have just kept taking bites.....lol......I love dessert, but it doesn't love me.
Well, Ms. Social Butterfly....you will need to put me on your list soon for a get together...I'd love to see you.....I am going to try & get some more pics up soon....it's on my list at 12 weeks I think.....so, two more weeks.
I am proud of you & all that you are doing.....I am looking forward to the 17th for you!!! We are all grown up & love being on restriction!!! xo, Micheala.
on 5/28/09 9:52 pm
The Florida trip sounds super-fun and I'm sure you'll be in your 220s if not 210s by then.
The cheese and lunch meat roll up thingies are great! Missy and I were laughing and giving each other the thumbs up: it's all about the roll-ups. Yeah! It's been my lunch or quick meal staple. The new fast food that is not toxic!
I'll have to look for some turkey meatballs or make some of my own. I don't do pasta at this time (by choice), but turkey meatballs, sauce, ricotta and some mozzarella. Now that sounds yummy!!! Great. Now I'm starving.
I had my first post-op salad yesterday! My pal Angela that just had a baby escaped from home to join us at Pantera (I mean Panera). I had the french onion soup and Asian Chicken salad and (sigh) got the apple instead of the bread and butter. I love bread too. Aside from some bagel crisps and (what were you thinking?) Cracker Barrel biscuits, I haven't had any bread. At least haven't brought any into the house. I love the baguettes at Pantera, especially with butter. They hide the butter in the area where you pick up your food, heh heh. So it was tough to skip the bread, but I did it.
I shoulda got it though because while we were trying to enjoy a nice catch-up lunch, about 20 kids from a day camp at the University School came and sat all around us. Lovely. So it would have been cool if I ate the bread, got stuck and then barfed on them! Okay, cool in theory only.
Yes, we need to plan a get together SOON! I wanna see how fabulous you look in person!
Gotta run for now, though. I'm hoping my boss will cancel our 9 am meeting, but so far, nope. So I need to get ready for work and eat some breakfast because I am starving. Maybe they should just pop in there and sever some nerves while installing the lap band so you don't have the chronic hunger! I guess that would make it too challenging when it comes to fills and feeling fullness. But I hate when I get those crazy stomach growlies! (Well, I don't hate it. It's just a funny sensation!)
HUGS to you and I'll email ya about times to get together for a nice walk and hang out session!
HW 340/SW 297/CW 170/GW 190 — Start of Program Weight 315

Thanks Kenny. I am glad to hear that someone else is thinking about doing this, too. I am really loving running again now that I have lost weight & it gets easier with every run. 12 minute miles are great...just running the whole time is fantastic. I am running about the same right now--about 12 minutes. So, 45 minutes for the 5k would be about my time, too. I am going to try to shave some off of that before the run. I am trying to run outside for as long as I can (before the weather gets really hot) because it gets me into better shape than the treadmill with the natural inclines/declines and hitting the pavement.
Can't wait to hear about your training.....Shelby Bottoms would be a great place to run.....GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
on 5/26/09 3:40 pm
Yes, you are insane and no, I don't want to do this with you. However, I like insanity in a person and look forward to you sharing your experiences. You have a great sense of humor and your posts entertain and educate. Best wishes.
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
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