What have you always wanted to do when you are "skinny"?
Okay Michael,
I know that you wanted people that already had the surgery to respond but I was at an amusement park with several friends, family and etc. We had loaded the roller coaster and everyone had their lap bar pulled down and of course mine wouldn't fit so instead of just releasing my seat so I could crawl off the ride. OH NO, they had to make a spectical of me and had to release everyone's bar with everyone grumbling and complaining while I made the GRAND EXIT. I WAS HUMILIATED!!!
My surgery is June 30th and I intend on doing everything possible to make my goal and become healthier so next time we go to that amusement park I will be the 1st to pull my lap bar down.
Congratulation to everyone on their success.
BTW I can't donate to sky diving because I'm paying the program fee.
My son just joined the air force (he's 18) and he is about to have a fit to go sky diving.
It will get better. I'm almost at goal (about 10-11lbs) I've been back to two parks and had no issues what so ever riding those rides.
It's great to heard from you and good luck on your journey.
What surgery are you having? If RNY in about 6 months or sooner you will not have any of those issues! If Lap band it may take just a tiny bit longer.
Good Luck!
I wanted to get off my diabetes meds-what diabetes?
I wanted to take a llama trek up Mt Leconte and spend the night at LeConte Lodge-haven't done that yet, but know that I can and will do it as soon as I can
I wanted to stop shopping at Lane Bryant-haven't been in there in over a year!
I wanted to go back into clinical nursing- I'm BACK!
I also want to stop shopping at Lane Bryant! I want to be able to go shopping with my friends and look at things other than purses, shoes, and jewelry.
I want to be able to wear my boyfriend's t-shirts... or jackets. I don't have to be smaller than him, because he's pretty little, but I'd like to at least be close to his size!!
I want to be able to go to ANY store I want and buy my wedding dress when that time comes.
My boyfriend and I went to Mexico about 2 years ago and I really wanted to go ride horses on the beach and I was over the weight limit. Which made me so sad, because I have horses and that was something I really wanted to do. Same thing happened when I went to the Grand Canyon with my brother last year... I wanted to do the donkey ride into the canyon with him, but I weighed too much. I was in charge of scheduling our activities... and I knew that was something he wanted to do, but I lied and told him that it was booked while we were there... because I was too embarrassed to tell him that I was too big to do it. So... I want to be able to go ride horses on the beach!!! (Preferably on my honeymoon - after I get that little wedding dress! haha!)
I also know about the amusement park thing. I went to Disneyworld a couple of years ago with my family and was going to ride a rollercoaster with 3 of my sisters. My littlest sister wanted to ride with me, but it just had the one bar that went across the both of us, and I was afraid that she would fall out because it wouldn't get anywhere close to her because of me. So I told her she had to ride with one of the others... and she cried. Broke my heart.
I know that we will all be able to do all these things that we want! (Which some of you have already... and that's so awesome!) I can't wait to be on my journey too!!
Missy B
Missy--thanks for being so amazingly honest about all those things....we all have felt like that before & it really sucks. I am so excited for you to have WLS because I know that you will appreciate the little things every step of the way. It is fantastic and you & your little sister will be zipping all over the roller coaster with the bar pulled down nice & tight!! xo, Micheala.
Good question! I would like to ride a horse. I have always felt bad and would not even consider riding one being so overweight. I would like to go in a place of business and be treated with more respect. I wanted to be free of meds...have been since my surgery on 05-05-09! No more insulin shots....woohoo! I want to wear "normal" clothes. I want people to stop looking at me with disgust, that really hurts. You think I would get used to it, being overweight all my life, I never have. I want to cruise and not be excluded from excursions because of weight restrictions. I understand the zip line thing, never happened to me because they told me outright, anyone over 200 would have issues. I don't want to worry when in a restaurant they say, "table or booth"? These are a few, I could go on but someone else may need a turn...lol! spedcon
I wanted to be able to play with the grandkids without having to sit down and rest after 5 minutes - DONE THAT!!
I wanted to be able to walk up the 2 flights of stairs at work without having to stop 3 or 4 times to catch my breath - DONE THAT!!
I wanted to be able to ride my motorcycle without having to stop after 30 minutes to take a break - DONE THAT!!
I wanted to be able to weight train and exercise again - DONE THAT!!
I wanted to be able to enjoy living life instead of just existing - DOING THAT EVERY DAY NOW!!!