Here is what the carb monster looks like
Well crap I cant get my graphic to work. I will resend it in awhile. When I get to my own laptop! iew¤t=melindanmonster.jpg
Well crap I cant get my graphic to work. I will resend it in awhile. When I get to my own laptop! iew¤t=melindanmonster.jpg
Here is another picture from Sunday's Renaissance Festival. This character looked like an ancient tree with hair... don't know what's up with that... but I guess it worked for him! I was the one behind the camera this year... but I really had a desire to document my attendance by being in the pictures too. I got all excited, jumped up and down like a kid and said, "Oh, oh, let me get my picture taken with THAT GUY!" I can look back on this photo for many months and years to come, and remember the Renaissance Festival... a memoir.
This sightly character didn't approach folks to have his picture taken, but was very inviting for those who wanted one. I wanted to get Tim in the picture, but he just shook his head and said, "NO." And the amount of beggin I did had no impact on his answer at all. Later, when I looked at this picture, I thought, "You know, that would make a great post about Melinda and the Carb Monster!" He sure has a grip on my head, doesn't he? And, I can't hardly see because his huge fingers were across one of my eyes.
This made me do some thinking. Sometimes, we need a picture or story of simple things in life to give us a lesson... Here is my little life application for today. The carb monster is an ugly thing (no offense to this man in the photo, LOL) yet, we allow ourselves to be entertained by him. Oh look! I'm smiling, having fun, letting him touch my head and face. It affects all of our senses. I don't know about you, but carbs make me happy! I smile, laugh, eat a little, enjoy social happenings, oh just all kinds of neat stuff! And, just as a PHOTOGRAPH that can be enjoyed for days, months and years, so CARBS leave lasting reminders as well... in the form of the picture in our mirrors! We look there at the daily picture of ourselves and see the affects that the carbs had! We aren't so happy and smiling then... But, this gentleman not only put his hand over my head and face, he stood there and didn't let go easily. I bet Tim & Scott both flashed off about 25 pictures before I had to finally "unleash" the guy!
Carbs are the same way. It's fun AT FIRST. They taste good! They make us feel good! But once it gets its claws into us, it has a choke hold and will NOT let go! That's when WE must back away, and fight to get free. Watch for the carb monster... for he is around every corner just standing there waiting FOR YOU TO APPROACH HIM!