Naked middle TN Men...
You naked b/c you're growing out of your clothes too quick?
Kenny and I are doing the first purge of Kenny's closet and uhm... we have realized that Kenny has a serious issue. Sure, I knew he picked up a shirt or two when we went grocery shopping but I had no idea what he had SHOVED in the back. Soooo.
We have tons of men's clothing in great shape (i think it's because he didn't wear half of it but he swears he wore it. whatever.) Most of them are 3x shirts as well as some 4x's. As far as pants and shorts go, we have 42 through 46's.
If anyone needs any of these, let either of us know and we'll figure out a way to get them to ya or we can save them until the next lunch bunch and you can join in the parking lot festivities!
At first, I thought this was a thread started by one of the Bob's! LOL. Naked Men in Middle Tennessee, I thought Lord did BamaBob come to visit and BobL and him are having some sort of body builder contest? But i knew it wasn't that because I would have seen it on the 10 o clock news last night... Just kidding Bobs.
Bob, my SOUTHERN dictionary says that "nekked" is really spelled "nekkid"!!
Ok so which is it?
Well, It sure would not suprise me to see you and Bob L in your speedos, oops I forgot, Scott has some speedos too... out on the street corner with signs that say "Guess which one of us used to be overweight!?" LOL... that would be a hoot.Surely no one would ever believe that any of you were EVER overweight!