NEW East TN OH Support Group!!
Hey Marilyn, that's good that you now have a support group in your area! Will karen be attending also? Are you two near each other? How are you doing on your eating? Sounds like you have done good so far this week.
I have not been doing too good this week as far as emotions are concerned. I have lost a few lbs because I am not hungry. I hardly eat all day, and then once I eat a good supper, that's about it for me. I've done mostly liquids all week except today i did have a good lunch.
I am depressed. I am also concerned that I am either having side effects from the Mirena IUD or I am in perimenopause... at any rate, I am working with my gyn/nurse practitioner to get on some new antidepressant medication as the other one isn't doing everything I need it to... Other than that, I am doing ok. Mother Nature hasn't been good to me these past few months when she comes to visit. Ya know? lol. It sucks being a woman sometimes.
Eating hasn't been a problem for me this week. The shoulder surgery on Monday really kicked my butt and if I haven't been at therapy, I have been lying around in pain. I am starting to feel human again today. But, still not hungry, so that is good. On the bad side, I have gotten in little to no exercise this week.
Mel, don't let depression get the best of you. I know how bad it can get. Get on top of it, and beat it into submission!
I am doing a lot better today. Yesterday was just awful. I went home, took a hot bath, and gave myself what every PMS woman needs: ONE piece of chocolate. That was my hormone solution. I kept saying, "Wait til tomorrow; it will be better."
Well, tomorrow came today. And as I forecasted, I am feeling much better!