November TTLC
The November TTLC that was in the planning stages of going to Jackson are on hold. We found out this past Monday that we are working on the 22nd and with Phil's surgery in limbo, we think it is just best for us to plan this some other time. By all means if anyone wants to get it together and make it a go, I say go for it. Right now we are just trying to re-group and re-focus on things in the Parker house. I would still like to make the Jackson trip and other's, but right now is not a good time for us to work on this. So as far as our end, we will try to get the TTLC up and going sometime after the first of the year.
Thanks to everyone again for all the call's, email's, PM's, post's, they mean so much to us. I hope everyone is doing good.
Love ya'll