Please don't listen to my secrets
I can't stop myself! I have no self control when it comes to releasing my secrets on protein suppliers! Jee wiz! Please stop me somebody!
I almost had a heart attack when I walked into Vitamin Shoppe tonight! Oh help me sweet Jesus! There in all its glory and splendor were the red containers of Lean Dessert and Syntha 6 that is sold on Bariatric Eating... what? When? How? How much? Oh so many! These are a little higher in carbs, but oh sweet lord they are delish!
Mochaccino is the closest and bestest coffee mocha tasting protein product that I have tried in 19 months after wls. I only have been using 1/8 to 1/4 of a scoop as I didn't want to waste any and conserve. Now that I know its right down the street at Vitamin Shoppe, I am going to not be so frugal... but I will still be cautious since it is a little higher carb rate.
Girl, you are absolutely hysterical - I love your enthusiasm about life, weight loss, and your protein drinks. Sorry, the best I can do for a protein drink is a Protein Bullet each day - but it's protein and with the protein bars I'm eating and the other protein I'm getting, I'm getting between 120-150 grams of protein a day. Now if my hair would just quit falling out.
I think the people at Vitamin Shoppe and GNC have caught on. Every time you post something new, I go in, whip out my ID card with my picture and your name, and they sell me your stash! The other night someone finally questioned the fact that my name is Melinda, but I'm a a guy! What gives! Can't people just accept the fact that I'm you and sell me the box under the counter with your name on it?
Thanks for the info!
Girl you are a Hoot as usual, I love reading your post about all of your finds and ideas and what you do with them. I have never had the Lean Dessert or Syntha 6, so I haven't a clue, but am anxious to try them. You help us so much on trying new/different things. I wish I was as able to come up with some of the wonderful things that you do.
Honestly and truly, I don't find these things on my own. I have a bunch of little angels over on the Bariatric Eating board. They can whip up any sort of protein concoction imaginable... and that's where I hear and learn of these wonderful products. I am just glad to find them locally. I almost had a heart attack when I saw MOCHACHINO on that shelf! OH My heavenly goodness, I almost peed my pants! Tim was half way across the store and he heard me say "Tim! They have MOCHACHINO!"
Melinda, You and Tim need to make a road trip to Carbondale, IL. went through there to the University of Souther Illinois and there was a old Wal-mart store that said Vitamin Shop Outlet Store. But knowing you Tim better rent a U-Haul first! It was early when I was there but next time I'm checking it out. C'ya Bob
Hey Mel, made a mistake it's Vitamin Worlds Outlet Store. 1 Nutrition Plaza Carbondale, Il. 62902 618-457-8400 . They are apx 200 miles from Nashville, I-24 w. until it deadends into I-57 (in Il.) N. until exit 54 (Hwy 13 west) which is only about 5 miles, then apx 10 miles on you left hand side. P.S. you can stop in Metropolis, IL and gamble then take your winnings and buy out the store! C'ya Bob
I picked up a couple of new products when I was in TVS the other day. You know I am always willing to try (and get others to try) new products, i.e. that awful chicken jerky you, me and Wendy tried.
These 2 products were actually good though. They were:
Jay Robb Whey Protein powder in Tropical Dreamsicle flavor - comes in individual packets so it would be easy to keep on hand at work or for travel, mixed easily in a shaker cup, no gritty mouth feel, no aftertaste. I would recommend using a small amount of FF half & half to give it more substance. If you like a thin protein drink, mixing with water would be fine. They also had this in chocolate, vanilla and strawberry.
Chocolate Pro Smoothie RTD by Nature's Best - this comes in a brown can. The 15 oz can has 50 grams of protein!! 240 calories, 1.5 g fat, 7 g carb, (2 g fiber, 2 g sugar). Consistency was like thin chocolate milk, not too thin, not too thick.
I've been wanting to try the Lean Dessert. I feel a trip to TVS is in order for this rainy day.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.