Disturbing TennCare News
I just read our local news and it seems we are in for some TennCare cuts. About 140,000 people may lose their coverage. The spend-down categories and people like me who used to get SSI checks. My checks stopped a few years ago when they said my husband was making too much money for me to qualify. They let me keep my TennCare medicaid. All these people will be reevaluated. I am so hoping I won't lose it before I can have the surgery. This will be a real blow to a lot of people who can't get insurance and have ongoing medical problems. Just my psych meds alone are almost $700 per month. The spokeswoman for TennCare says the problem is that for all the people they are taking coverage away from, they are enrolling new people so the need for funds is always increasing. The article said people who are medically needy or who have filed bankruptcy because of medical bills will be at risk for losing their coverage but new people will be enrolled such as single pregnant females. The article was titled something like Sickest People At Risk for Losing TennCare Coverage. I don't know how many of you this will affect but I'm in the same boat and I hope all of us will be taken care of.
I didn't think an SSI check could be based upon a spouse's income. Interesting. But, the cuts in TennCare don't surprise me. Especially if you've seen the news lately about 2,000 TN state jobs being cut. Sidenote... I don't know if anyone has seen Michael Moore's 'Sicko" but it's a very interesting insight into healthcare.