I'm a new grandma....

Kathy Newton
on 5/7/08 8:00 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi, my oldest son and wife went today for her weekly appointment, and the Dr. induced labor. I have a new grandson, Dylon Andrew Newton born at 1:30pm, 7 lbs 1oz, 19.5" long.  So far they were still waiting for a room.    This will be the first time I will be able to see a grandson born. My first one born in 2002, I was barred from the hospital. I didn't get to see Waylon until he was 1 month old. My second son was born in 2004, I wasn't able to make the trip so I got to see Philip when he was a month old. This one I will get to see tonight.  I can't wait. Didn't get my granddaughter this time, maybe the next one will be.  I just hope I'm still alive to see it happen.  Love
 Kathy Newton

Elizabeth O.
on 5/7/08 8:25 am - nashville, TN
CONGRATULATIONS GRANDMA!!!!    Life is such a wonderful gift.  May he be blessed with the spirit of the Lord. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!  


Kathy Newton
on 5/7/08 4:12 pm - LaVergne, TN
Thanks Beth. I went over to the hospital around 7:45, she had been in the birthing room since he was born at 1:30 and finally got a room at 7:30.  My 3 yr grandson was holding him when I got there.  He was so excited, he yelled Nana see baby.  He will be staying at the hospital with my son and daughter-n-love.  They get discharged on Friday.  Her Dr. doesn't discharge the new mothers the same day like a lot of OB Dr.'s. Dylon (pronouced Dillon except with a long I as Silvia is Mexican.   Again thank you, Silvia had no complications. No problems.  Dr. induced labor as she had started dialating over 2 weeks ago and was still at 2.5. I spoke with Phillip at 9:30 this morning as they were at her appointment. The induced labor went that smooth and that quick.   I'm going over again tomorrow.  Love ya
 Kathy Newton

(deactivated member)
on 5/7/08 11:57 am - Sevierville, TN
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. I"m about to be a grandma too and it looks like it will be sooner than we thought. My daughter had an ultrasound today and it looks like she is 3 weeks farther along than we thought. Her original due date was July 8 but it may be in June instead. Anyway, I can imagine how excited you are. This will be my first grandchild. According to ultrasound a grandson. My daughter has asked me to be with her for the labor and delivery. I can't wait. Blessings to you and your family. Karen
Kathy Newton
on 5/7/08 4:16 pm - LaVergne, TN
Thank you Karen so much.  He really is precious, and my 3.5 yr old grandson was bouncing with excitement.  When I got to the room tonight, he was holding his new brother, yelled Nana see baby.   Praying all will go well with your new grandson.  Love
 Kathy Newton

(deactivated member)
on 5/8/08 1:57 am - Sevierville, TN
I'm so happy for you. From one Nana to another. My son in law's mother wants to be grandma so I decided to be Nana. That is what I called my grandmother. I hope I"m as good at it as she was.  Blessings, Karen
Kathy Newton
on 5/8/08 3:04 am - LaVergne, TN
My first grandson isn't allowed to call me grandma or nana. So he doesn't address me by those or by my name. His mom won't allow it, she told him I wanted him dead in her belly.  Why would I want that when I wanted a grandchild so bad.  She told him that when he was 4 yrs old, he's almost 6 now. Before he would call me Kathy, but his dad told him to call me nana or grandma.  His estranged wife punished my grandson when he referred to me as grandma Kathy.  My other grandson calls me nana, and calls his Mexican grandma Tita.   You will be a great Nana, just love them a lot, and a little spoiling.   Love
 Kathy Newton

on 5/8/08 5:45 am - Springfield, TN
Congrats on the newest addition. I know your a proud nanna.

Kathy Newton
on 5/12/08 4:50 am - LaVergne, TN
Thanks Juanita, I am.  And just in time for Mother's Day.  He even stayed awake yesterday for 2 hours, so I finally got to see his brown eyes.  He's a good baby, only fusses when it's time for feeding, and hates to have his diaper changed.  LOL  My other grandson, I think is a tad jealous. Before he was the center of attention, now he doesn't want to take a picture with his brother.  Hopefully he'll come around.  He didn't even want to hold him yesterday.  At the hospital Philip was constantly wanting to hold Dylan.  Now he wants some of the attention that Dylan is getting.  Take care, love ya
 Kathy Newton

on 5/9/08 8:36 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Kathy that is wonderful news. What a pretty name.Congrats on the new grand baby!!!! Myspace Comments - Its a boy Hugs Barb
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