TN Forum Picnic info
More information for all of ya'll that have allready said you are coming and for anyone that hasn't replied and is interested. I would like to hear from more people, I want this to be awesome, so come on join us Everyone is to bring food for themselves/family, then we will just put all the food together and see what kind of spread we will have. If you have lawn chairs please bring them. There will be a row of 4 tables for food and stuff. There will be 2 rows of 4 tables for folks to sit and or that Barb....hehe.There are no grills, so if you want to girll then you will have to furnish everything needed for that. We have the shelter allday from 6am-11pm. I plan on getting there early to get things set up. I will have a cooler full of just ice, I have plasticware pkgs for 50 people. The ice and plasticware are compliments of IHOP. I will have appr. 150 plastic 16oz cups. I have appr. 1,000 "paper" plates, but there will be enough for people to use 2 or 3 if needed. I have some small cheap paper plates, not sure how many of them. I have a roll of plastic tablecloth cover, I think should cover just about all of the tables. I am going to try to put up ballons or something from the entrance of the park leading to the shelter. Feel free to bring boomboxes/music, there is no electricity. I have a volleyball and net, badmitten rackets and birdies, horsehoes (they are just the plastic ones), I have a few frisbee's also. But please feel free to bring anything that you think anyone would enjoy tossing/throwing around. I have probably forgotten something, so if anyone can think of anything else we need and or want, just post. I will have my cell phone with me that day, so if anyone that doesn't have my number and wants it, please PM me and I will be glad to send it to you. When..............Saturday May17th @ 11:00 Where............Shelter#5 at Two River's Park off Briley Parkway exit #10, same exit and right next to the Wave Pool (it won't be open) Why................To have a blast with a bunch of loser's, meet new folks. Cheryl