What Did U Eat Today? Tuesday

on 5/6/08 10:11 am - Madison, TN
It seems my "Whad'ya Eat Thread" gets later and later sometimes! Whew! Y'all are probably ready to beat me to death waiting with impatience! I hope not. Sorry! I have been out to eat with 3 former co-workers. Friday is my birthday and every time its one of our birthdays, we get together. I'm going to be 38 and they are in their fifties and sixties. I don't know if that means I act old, they act young, or maybe a little of both. But we always have fun together. The oldest lady is 65, and has written like 8 different novels... she published one herself. We could just sit and listen for hours. She knows how to tell a story! She can make them up on the spot. I have never known anyone like that. I got good presents! My favorite is a bracele****ch combo. One of the charms is my favorite butterfly symbol. Ok enough about me. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about eating, food, and all that jazz! I think we should each tell something about ourselves each day. I enjoyed reading yesterday's posts... Early Morning Protein Moccaccino & chocolate matrix combo Breakfast Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla with Kay's Naturals cereal Mid morning protein Whey Gourmet Choc Peanut Butter shake Lunch chicken breast & salad Snack 2 squares SF Valor dark chocolate & almonds Dinner I shared a plate with my friend Kathy... We went to O'Charleys and I had chicken breast with tomatoes on it and the beef from the inside of the burito. The restaurant gave us a free caramel pie, AFTER I told them NO I didn't want pie... but got it anyway. My friends sang happy birthday. I had 2 small bites and it was good but very rich.


Susan J.
on 5/6/08 10:53 pm - Madison, TN
I went to a job fair yesterday and then had support group last night so I wasn't on the computer at all. I'll go ahead and post though. early morning protein - protein cappuccino Breakfast - Big Train waffle with SF Aunt Jemima syrup mid morning protein - Mocha frappuccino Lunch - Power Crunch bar afternoon protein - mocha latte Dinner - egg salad, fresh pineapple water = 78 oz

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

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