What Did U Eat 2Day? Monday
Well good afternoon friends! Hope you are having a sunny beautiful day wherever you are... it's a beautiful day here in Nashville... skies are clear and we are ready for a take off. Buckle your seat belt and put your trays in the upright position...
How was your weekend? Anything exciting? I went to a Renaissance Festival on Saturday with friends. It was "interesting" and there were some weird people there... their costumes were every day wear, not just for the festival! Lol. And some of the women had bazonkas hanging out WAY over their bra lines. I was jealous cause I wished I could have had some. That's another story for another time!
So now to discuss our eating for the day. Did your tummy thank you, happy as a clam? Or was it punching you and beating you up out of anger? Here's my eating day:
Early Morning Protein
scrabmled egg, piece of bacon, piece of cheese
Mid Morning Protein
Nectar cappuccino in coffee
chili with shredded cheese, jalapenos (for which I will pay for very soon) and sour cream, 5 Kay's Naturals Kruncheez
Afternoon Protein
Pina Colada Whey Gourmet shake all chilled up all morning long... getting ready for cinco de mayo!
Later I had another shake... an Elite Vanilla with a sleeve of sugar free strawberry milk mix
When I got home, I had kept thin sliced fuji apple in the dehydrator all day. I ate a few tiny slices... they are so good. Next time I will add more apples, or a bigger one. I love the Ha's dried apples! But I am going to dehydrate my own. They are great.
We are going to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at the Mexican restaurant, meeting friends
*I may have a sf margarita.
Today has been a bit busy for me so I haven't entered my food into Fitday yet to see where I am.
Early protein - protein cappuccino
breakfast - Power Crunch bar
midmorning - protein cappuccino
lunch - 4 small slices salmon sushi - this is the first time since surgery that I have had the rice and not something I will do often. But, dang, it was good! This was also a very small roll, perhaps 1 inch in diameter, so it had a very thin layer of rice surrounding the salmon.
afternoon snack - Carbmaster yogurt
supper - tortilla pizza with Italian sausage that I rinsed after cooking to remove more of the fat
evening will probably be a Nectar Cherry Pomegranate protein drink
water so far - 72 oz
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.