Knoxville Support Group???
Hey all of ya'll from east Tennessee. I have heard that there is a good support group that meets either in Halls or Fountain City. Can anyone give me the details? Date, Time, Place? I went to a great one last week when I went to see my surgeon in Clarksville, and I would really like to find a regular place to go.
I have considered starting my own. I am a RN, and could probably do it, but wouldn't want to affiliate it with any certain surgeon so don't know if it would go over or I don't have a place to have it. Any ideas?
ok- I've got the info.
This month they are meeting on May 15 at 7 pm at Fountain City United Methodist Church in the Choir Room. They meet the 3rd Thursday of the month. If you would like more information, our dr's have a blog on yahoo. You go to and click on groups. Type in the name of our group which is knoxvilleWLS. Click to be added to our forum and that's it. It's another place like this where you can meet others who have had WLS. I live in Maryville, TN and am using Dr. Boyce but my mother had WLS about 5 years ago and she used Dr. Bolar and loved him.