Lunch Bunch

Cheryl P.
on 5/4/08 8:35 am - Antioch, TN

I am trying to plan things and pay stuff, like many others are. Are we still having the Lunch Bunch this Sat and if so has a place been decided on? Be on the lookout for more TN Forum Picnic info coming up!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheryl



on 5/4/08 8:42 pm - Nashville, TN
Cheryl,            I believe that Susan told me on the phone that it may be at the TGI Fridays @ Hickory Hollow.  I will not be able to attend this one due to my FInals, but as I told her, I am hoping that we can have the June one at Razz's close to my house, just in case I feel like attending after my surgery, because if it is far away, there is no way I could make it.  I may not feel like attending, but if it is really close, I would at least have the opportunity to attend if I feel like it.  I do plan on being able to attend the picnic, but the Dinner Club I will not be able to attend this month due to Dale's "SURPRISE" Birthday party sleepover!!!!   Hope this helps some,  Shelia
Cheryl P.
on 5/5/08 1:36 am - Antioch, TN
Yes Shelia that does help, Susan you can put us down for 2. I like the idea of the June one being at Razz's, I missed the night it was there and have been wanting to go. Now get back to your books.........LOL Cheryl



on 5/5/08 12:29 am - Hermitage, TN
What happened to the picnic in place of the Dinner Club  this month? What's going on for that.  If nothing, we might have to postpone the Dinner Club for next month due to the last Friday of the month falling on Memorial Day weekend. 


Cheryl P.
on 5/5/08 1:34 am - Antioch, TN
The Picnic is still a go. Watch for more details later this week. As far as the Dinner Club being on a Holiday weekend if we want to cancel that is probably a good idea, since alot of people will have other plans, going out of town, etc.  Cheryl



Elizabeth O.
on 5/5/08 7:38 am - nashville, TN
The last Friday of the month is not on Memorial Day Weekend, but the Friday AFTER Memorial Day.  Just to let you know. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

Cheryl P.
on 5/5/08 9:26 am - Antioch, TN

Alyssa, Beth is right the last Friday is after the holiday. What'ca wanna do? That will be 2 weeks after the TN Forum Picnic, so we will be ready to see everyone again...lolYour call, just let us know what you decide. Cheryl



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